Chapter Seventy- Tea With Avery

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It's been three weeks since Ominis and his horrifying monster of a brother Marvolo were here. I had never felt more alone in my entire life. Both pieces of my heart could not reach out to let me know just how safe they were. I hadn't spoken to either of them in weeks and now it was starting to take a toll on me. I was looking through Miriam's old journals after spending yesterday in Diagon Alley getting supplies for the upcoming school year. My last school year.

I sat in my nightgown, not caring to be dressed for real but I just wanted to be comfortable. I flipped through the thick leather bound journal and stopped directly on a page that described a theory of using ancient magic in potions and harvestables. I didn't even know that was possible to do with my magic. The theory went on to explain that even the darkest curses could be reversed if I place some of the ancient magic in the potion. Does this mean I could have reversed the spell Rookwood had placed on Anne?

I didn't even realize how focused in thought I was until three single loud thumps echoed the cottage. Someone was knocking on the door and hard. I knew whoever it was would judge me for still being in a nightgown at high noon but I could honestly care less what a muggle thinks. As quickly as I could move, I placed the journal down on the coffee table and made my way out of the living room and to the door. The windows would not allow me to peep to see who it was but I could assure the minute the door swung open, I couldn't tell if I was relieved or annoyed.

"Still in your jammies I see. Are you aware it's day time?" Edward asked, smirking. It was so odd seeing him in regular clothes and not in a Slytherin uniform. He wore a top hat and a five piece suit with an emerald scarf tucked into the vest.

"Are you stalking me now? How did you find me?" I asked.

"You're looking at an auror in training. Anyways- we need to talk. Go put on some clothes. I'll treat you to lunch."

With his demands, he removed his hat but walked right past me and began admiring the house. I rolled my eyes subtly and told him to wait right there before running up the wooden stairs and to my bedroom. As quick as I could move, I threw on a simple blue skirt with a white blouse tucked in and a red coat over it. I stomped down the stairs and it would appear he had moved himself into the living room. Edward looked closely upon the picture of Professor Fig and Miriam, smiling faintly.

"How well did you know him?" I asked, making my presence known.

"Not very well. I had his class in year two and truthfully, it was one of the most boring classes I had ever been in. Still- he was a good man who didn't deserve to die yet. Are you ready to go?" Edward answered, setting down the picture and making his way toward me.

I nodded my head once and hard before he grabbed my hand. I couldn't even argue when around us, our surroundings began to fade. My chest felt heavy, as if a troll was sitting on it. I could barely breathe and could feel my body being stretched in every direction before landing outside of a tea and sandwich shop in downtown London. Everyone around us walked with perfect posture and noses up in the air. This was definitely Edward's and Morgana's element. Not mine though.

The blue sky had no white puffy clouds but ones that were thin and in streaks. The street itself had bits of nature outlining the shops ranging from flowers to bushes. Small trees would appear here and there. I couldn't even ask any questions before Edward grabbed my hand and dragged me into the shop that was empty except for a girl in a beautiful white frilled dress. Seeing us already, she pointed at a table in the front corner by one of the windows.

Wallpaper of faded stripes colored in pink and white covered the walls and the floor had white marble tiles. It smelled like we had walked into a candy shop despite being a tea shop. No sounds besides various workers in the kitchen having conversations about whatever. We took our seats in the uncomfortable cushioned chairs as she came over with a note pad.

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