Chapter One Hundred and Four- Duel of Fate (Sebastian POV)

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Merlina ran off without even saying goodbye down the halls and passed the first years. I couldn't let her go at Morgana alone. What if she got hurt or died? I couldn't allow that to happen. I needed to protect her.

"Do you first years know where the dungeons are?" Edward asked, glancing at them but they both shook their heads no. "Very well... I'll meet you all in the Great Hall. Let me take them first and-."

"No! We want to fight!" The one known as Albus shouted like a spoiled brat, standing up. The other one stood behind him, wiping away any blood on his face.

"You two cannot fight. This battle will be extremely dangerous. Now follow Edward and Sebastian down to the dungeons." Professor Sharp demanded.

How did I get put on escort duty with Edward? I needed to get downstairs and help Merlina but knew it was best not to argue with Professor Sharp. Edward and I nodded our heads before scooping up the first years and throwing them on our shoulders.

"We'll come back after we know they're safe!" Edward shouted on both of our behalf as we walked away.

We began running down the Grand Staircase, walking the way we would have if we gone to our dorms. I had only been gone for two weeks and things looked so different somehow. No- not looked but felt different. Physically, not a single thing changed but something was in the air telling me to be prepared.

In front of the Slytherin common room archway was Leander Prewett with a wand already in his hand. Had he been waiting for us? Both Edward and I set the boys down and got the wand at the ready.

"Leander? You're siding with Professor Weasley?" I asked, honestly shocked he had it in him.

"Of course I am. The only hot girl that isn't on her side is Merlina but we won't need her anymore." Leander spat out with a mad laugh following.

"Boys! Go into the toiletries! Edward, go back to Professor Sharp. I'll deal with this weasel."

It was the first day of fifth year all over again. Leander VS me. The unlikeable ginger was going down and I had every intention of carrying out the suffering. Both the first year Gryffindors nodded their head and ran off into the bathroom. Although Edward game me a look asking if I was sure, I nodded my head once before he ran off to join the others. Now... it was just us.

"Is this about Merlina? Is that why you joined with the evil forces?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"Partly but you're not too much to blame for it. I tried to talk to Merlina after our duel in Hecat's classroom but Merlina still wasn't interested in me. Then I asked myself 'Why am I chasing after a halfblood?' So I moved to a greater love: Morgana Avery." Leander explained.

"Morgana Avery is a slut with an annoyingly high pitched voice." I quickly spoke.

A spell casted from anger flew at me but to no surprise was weak. One simple protego and it faded away. He was always a bigger talker. I guess we were doing this though. I lifted my wand, about to cast the spell when the ground beneath us shook, almost knocking both me and Leander off our feet.

Once it stopped, I knew what I had to do. A duel commenced between us unlike any other. Rays of light zoomed between us. Zip. Zap. Boom. My blood pressure rose higher by the second. Leander was shockingly better at this than I remembered. Perhaps my cocky attitude was getting in the way. I knew what I promised both Ominis and Merlina but I was not going to stay here and let this distraction continue when I could be helping Merlina or the rest of my friends. I held up my wand and saw the same look Uncle Solomon gave, knowing what was to come.

"Avada kedavra!"

I watched it all move in slow motion all over again. The green light moving from my wand and making it's away towards Leander. One always says before you die, you watch your life flash before your eyes. No one ever admits that your killer watches it as well. The light made contact with Leander's chest, striking him down to the cold stone flooring and the light fade from his eyes. I ran to the toiletries and in one of the stalls sat both Albus and Elphias just like I had told them to.

"Do not leave here. I need to go find Merlina and then we'll both get you two out of here, alright?" I asked, both of them nodding their heads.

As fast as I could move, I ran from the toiletries and down the to where I knew the Map Chamber laid. I had only been there twice but the last time I was, there was a glowing map in the center. Not stairs that led downward. Merlina and Morgana were already in battle and now I could help her. Or at least make sure she was already safe.

I zoomed past all the rubble from the previous battle that was once held here. Evidence of history no one would be able to see. The ground shook once more, this time actually knocking me down to the ground. It was harder than before- like the earth flooring was about to cave in on itself. A scream I knew all too well bounced off the walls- Merlina's. As best as I could move, I stood up and continued to run towards her.

"Merlina!" I called out, wondering if she would be able to even hear me. I continued screaming her name until I heard her angelic voice call back out to me.

"I'm right here!" Merlina answered with a laugh.

I saw her laying on the ground, propping herself up with her elbows. Her once beautiful brown hair was covered in sweat and had been turned as white as egg shells.Once our eyes locked, a smile was plastered on both of our faces. I ran to her, meeting her half way and hugging her as tight as I physically could. I thought I was about to loose her but here she was.

"Your hair... it's white." I announced quietly.

"It happens when you're old like me." Merlina joked, pulling away to look me in the eyes.

I moved my hand off her back and onto one of her cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss. A kiss that tasted of lemonade on a hot summer morning or hot chocolate in a cold winter night. A kiss that was so needed, I didn't even want to pull away for a second. We parted for a moment, allowing us to breathe and rest our sweaty foreheads against one another.

"I thought I was going to lose you Merlina. I couldn't imagine what I would do if...-"

"Sebastian... I'm alive and the repository is gone. We're safe now." Shelooked up at me once more and saw the tears of joy flooding down my face. The tears that she was actually safe. "Are those happy or sad tears?"

"Joyful ones. Now come on... let's go back upstairs." I suggested but with one step, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and body went limp.

I had never seen anything like this happen to her before. Barely catching her in time, my heart began beating faster than it had ever beat before. She was fine just a moment ago and now was passed out with her eyes still open. I needed to get her somewhere safe and quick.

Throwing her over my shoulder, I ran back toward the castle as quick as I could move. By the time I had entered the Map Chamber, both of the annoying first year Gryffindors were around and admiring the place.

"Albus! Elphias!" I shouted. Both of them turned their heads and gasped the second they saw Merlina. Just like the night of Christmas Eve, I conjured up the bed and threw her onto it. "I need you two to stay here and protect her until the battle is over."

Whatever was going on upstairs, I could only hope Professor Sharp was still alive so he could help Merlina.

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