Chapter One Hundred and Eight- The Choice

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The last week, Ominis has done everything to make sure I'm taken care of. He helps me with daily tasks using a flick of his wand and holds my hand whenever we walk to the village. Today though, we were expecting Poppy to arrive. She had been spending her time with Garreth's family, consoling them on Professor Weasley's arrest and planning her wedding. Poppy had only seen her grandmother once and from what I understand, she wanted to stay there for being homesick for so long.

"I think I see her." Ominis announced, peeking through the window.

"Merlin's beard Ominis! Stop watching her." I jokingly scolded, grabbing the tea set to put it in the living room.

I couldn't contain my excitement for much longer. The second I heard the door knock, I slammed the tray down on the coffee table and ran to the door, surprised to see both Poppy and Garreth on my doorstep. Last Ominis had told me, only the electives were released early but Garreth had taken over his aunt's class.

"I hope you don't mind I brought him?" Poppy spoke with a smile as her arm intertwined with his.

"No of course not! Why would I? Everyone, come in. Ominis is here as well."

I stepped to the side and allowed both of them into the small cottage. This was the first time they saw Professor Fig's home with their own two eyes and from the looks on their faces, they were surely impressed. It was a home that was perfect in every way. Who it was perfect to spend with... well, that was another story.

"Garreth! What are you doing here?" Ominis boomed, grinning and bringing Garreth in to a hug.

"Minister excused all of us. I'm shocked to see Sebastian and the Professor aren't here yet." Garreth responded, hugging Ominis tight.

No words were spoken for a brief moment with the same question in everyone's mind: where was Sebastian? I'm sure he wouldn't let jealousy get in the way of a simple hello... could he? Would the Sebastian Sallow, now greatest duelist of our year, even want me still? I was surprised Ominis still showed interest honestly.

"Let's drink some tea!" I shouted with a clap, pushing the negative thoughts out of my mind.

We all went into the living room and discussed the wedding coming soon. My best friend was going to become a Weasley... something I'm sure both her and I never expected. Laughs were exchanged with simple conversations until I glanced over at Garreth. Despite such joyous news, he appeared troubled.

"Talk Garreth. What's wrong?" I demanded, trying to set my tea cup down as lightly as possible.

"Something has just been troubling me since that day at Hogwarts. The battles of everything. Albus said he saw Sebastian use an unforgivable curse against Leander. You two know him best... could he have done it?" Garreth asked, looking at me directly in the eyes.

Albus Dumbledore surely had to of been incorrect if he thought Sebastian used one. Sure, he has a history of it but that was behind him. Still, I couldn't help but glance at Ominis who was already glancing at me over his tea cup.

"Albus must be wrong. Sebastian knows better than to use any of those spells." I denied.

In Ominis' eyes, I could see he wanted to argue- to call me out on my lie. I refused to hear any of it though. Sebastian may have fallen in the past but he was better now. He couldn't have and if he did, it was surely for self defense. I got up and went straight to my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me. Even from where I stood, the clouds painted the sky in streaks of oranges and reds. The sun was already setting along the horizon.

I sighed, pushing the window panes open to let in the cool spring wind barely blowing. People can say whatever they want about living in British country was so relaxing. I almost relaxed before I realized a familiar voice was in a screaming match with Ominis somewhere outside.

"Why must you ruin everything?! You have power to your name and yet you want to take the only thing that still matters to me?!" Sebastian shouted.

I bolted out of the bedroom and down the stairs until I reached the front door that was left wide open. On the green grass stood Sebastian on one end and Ominis at the other, wands grasped tightly and pointed at one another. Poppy and Garreth were nowhere to be seen but I could assume they were long gone.

"Sebastian, you can still leave now and nothing will happen. We can still go about like-"

"No Ominis! If I had never taken Merlina to the Undercroft, she would have stayed mine. You leave her be!"

"Will both of you please stop?!" I shouted, finally exiting the house and walking down the two steps to the ground.

"Darling, stay out of this. We will deal with this as men do."

I didn't need Ominis to elaborate to know what that meant. Sebastian seemed to have the understanding as well, already forming a green light from the tip of his wand. Albus was telling the truth- Sebastian had fallen and was about to use an unforgivable on his own best friend. I couldn't allow this to happen.

As quick as I could move, I watched everything around me fade in slow motion. My entire body was pumped with adrenaline, fear of possibly losing Ominis Gaunt. This is it. This was what Aruna meant when she told me I had to make a choice. My arms stretched out, pushing Ominis to the ground and landing directly on top of him.

"Avada kedavra!"

The green light barely missed us, zooming right above my head. The look of dismay and shock was worn on all of our faces but I wasn't going to wait around much longer. I stood up, a squib with no power, and stormed directly to Sebastian to slap him across the face as hard as I could muster.

"Sebastian... I have tried everything to understand you. To be patient with you. I have loved you, fought by your side and for your honor. You just tried to kill your longest friend and... and I barely got to him in time." I started. Tears were already forming in Sebastian's eyes with each drop filled with regret. "I should thank you though... you helped me with a decision I had been struggling to make for years. I realized I could live without you but the same cannot be said about Ominis."

"Merlina... What are you trying to say?"

"Leave Sebastian. I want to be with Ominis."

I turned my head, looking behind me to see Ominis shocked but wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face. The same couldn't be said about Sebastian when I gave my attention back to him. Tears were streaming and although every nerve of my body was telling me to hold him and let him cry on my shoulder, I couldn't feed into him any longer.

"Goodbye for now Sebastian. I hope you have a good life."

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