Chapter Eight- Betrayal (Sebastian POV)

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"Come on Sebby! You know I'm the best girlfriend you have ever had." Lavina begged, trying to look as innocent as she could with her bulging hazel eyes and pouty lip.

"We weren't even courting Lavina and you know that. I was actually pretty annoyed you told Merlina we were. Anyways, I need to get to..." my attention on what I was saying got distracted by watching someone who was flying on their broom. Either a beginner or drunk considering how wiggly their flying was.

"Wow look at the skills on her now." Lavina scoffed, crossing her arms and laughing.

"Who's on the broom?"

"Merlina obviously. She's the only one dumb enough to fly at night." No... Lavina couldn't be correct. Merlina was one of the best flyers I knew.  Whoever was on the broom did a terrible landing and was rolling onto the ground.

"Merlina!" I called out, running over to her. It was her but she was blacked out. Just based on looks alone, it was obvious her arm was broken.

As carefully as I could, I scooped her up and grabbed her broom. There was no way Rookwood was not involved in this or even Lavina and her goons.

"Sebastian! Is that Merlina?!" I heard a faint squeak speak up from behind me. I spun around and there stood another Hufflepuff I had many classes with. Poppy I believe her name was.

"Yes... can you put her broom inside your common room? I need to get her to the hospital wing."

"Of course. Would you like me to also tell Ominis? He was asking about her earlier so I'm assuming he's still looking for her."

Why would Ominis be looking for Merlina? They only spoke through me and whenever I'm around. I didn't even think they were really friends.

"Uh... yeah if you see him that is. I wouldn't want you to go out of your way." Blush spread across her cheeks as she grabbed the broom from my hand. "Thank you Poppy."

"Of course! Tell her I'll stop by in the morning for visitations." Poppy skipped along with the broom in her hand towards the castle. Running quickly, I took shortcuts no one knew of and quickly entered the faculty lounge just to run into Professor Weasley.

"Mr. Sallow! You are supposed to be in detention and... Why are you carrying Ms. Wood?"

"Merlina fell off her broom in front of the school and I think her arm is broken. It definitely doesn't look or feel alright." I explained quickly and just hoped she got it all.

"Merlina! Is she okay?!" Behind me, Ominis stood and was out of breath. He ran here? For what?

"Alright... quickly you two. Let's take her up to the hospital wing." We followed Professor Weasley up the stairs until entering the long hallway lined with beds and random students. "Put her on the bed and then go to detention Mr. Sallow."

As gentle as I could, I placed Merlina onto the bed and moved her auburn colored hair out of her freckled face.

"Tell her I was here, yeah? I'll come back after detention." I informed Ominis. The nurse had placed a chair next to Merlina's bed and he took it, nodding his head in acknowledgement. Before I had left though, I saw the one thing I never thought would bother me- his hand grabbing hers.

Since when did Ominis care for Merlina and why didn't he tell me? We tell one another everything. On top of that, why do I care so much? I should be happy with this but all I felt was an anger bubble growing by the second with every thought about them being together.


"Alohamora" I whispered, unlocking the faculty door. It was past curfew and I didn't expect to take as long as I did. Nonetheless, I needed to see if Merlina is alright. Creeping up the stairs one by one, I hushed my breathing to make sure nothing- even that damned poltergeist- could catch me.

I had to cast the spell one more time before pushing the loud wooden door that could wake the whole castle. Luckily no one was around so I continued into the hospital wing to see something even worse than before.

"Ominis... what are you doing?" I asked out loud, revealing I was there. Ominis and Merlina were... cuddling. He sat there, wide awake, and stroking her hair while she rested on his chest. A simple, sweet snore escaped her lips that could barely wake a kitten. Although he couldn't see himself, he was looking down on her and smiling softly like he had finally seen for the first time.

"Oh hello Sebastian. How was detention?" He asked, acting oblivious to what he was doing.

"Fine. We're not going to talk about this?"

"I don't see what is there to speak of. It's exactly as it looks."

This idiot. Does he not see exactly what he's doing?

"And should I tell Anne that you moved on the next time she asks?" He paused, finally facing me directly. Did he not tell Merlina just how close him and Anne were? Before she was cursed? I was expecting to get shouted at but all he did was sigh.

"I suppose so Sebastian."

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