Chapter Three- Moon Calf Eyes

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It was the day I couldn't help but look forward to- a trip to Hogsmeade with Ominis Guant. Maybe going today will help us become better friends and even as close as him and Sebastian. When Anne gets better, we could have an entire friend group where we do trips like these every week. I always wanted that growing up and now seems like it could be a reality.

"Watch out!" Before I could see who was shouting the warning, a white and black moon calf ran up towards me knocked me to the ground. I thought they didn't show during the day time. Also, why was this specific one in my room? Hovering over me with its bulging brown eyes, I could have sworn it started to smile. "I'm so sorry."

A girl with short brown hair I had only seen a few times before now picked up the moon calf with one hand and offered the free one to me. Graciously accepting, one pull and I was back on my feet. Despite her frail appearance, she was stronger than I could bet Sebastian or Garreth were.

"Hello, I'm Poppy Sweeting or Loppy Poppy. Quite an idiotic name but Lavina got the entire house to call me that. We haven't properly met since I hide from Lavina every chance I get but I sleep in the bed over there, next to yours. We also have Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Beasts class together."

This sweet girl is the one Lavina is always talking about? Why was I not surprised she would bully someone who looked like she belonged in a silent film though? I smiled and introduced myself, acknowledging I had seen her before as well. I couldn't believe that with the amount of classes we had, this was the first time we were really speaking to one another.

"Why was a moon calf in here? Did you sneak it in from Beasts class?"

"Lavina brought him in here to run all over the common room and scare everyone. It only scared him though so he ran to the nearest room available- being ours. I have to return him but I don't want to deal with Lavina alone."

Aw poor moon calf. Poor Poppy. I couldn't yell at Lavina right now though since Ominis was waiting for me in the Great Hall but I also couldn't leave Poppy alone in case Lavina did try to do something to either her or the moon calf.

"I'm on my way to meet Ominis Guant from house Slytherin. Would you like us to walk with you while you return the moon calf?" Her smile lit up brightly the wider it spread, nodding her head repeatedly and quite aggressively. If I could guess anything about her in this five minute conversation, she definitely needed to stay away from sugar with the amount of energy she has.

We made our way down to the golden common room filled with dancing cacti and food to see Lavina sitting by the door with friend, Lenora. They sat there, giggling no doubt over the moon calf's scared actions. Once they noticed us though, their giggles faded into faces of either annoyance or selfish anger. I honestly couldn't tell which one it was.

"What do you think you're doing with MY moon calf Poppy?" Lavina spit out every word, crossing her arms and making her way over to us.

"It's not YOUR moon calf Lavina. Step away from her or else you're going to end up like your goons from yesterday." I threatened, not taking my eyes off of hers. She erupted into laughter like I had said the funniest joke ever, making Lenora also laugh although it was obvious she was only laughing because of Lavina laughing. If we didn't have the attention from the common room before, we sure do now.

"Please Merlina. You think you're so tough but in truth, how tough can someone be if they're having to be around the most boring Gaunt in existence?"

I'm not sure what came over me but I ran over to her and pressed my wand directly under her chin. Even though Poppy was screaming at me that she wasn't worth fighting over, I wanted to hurt her the way she had hurt everyone else. Poppy was right though. The fear in her eyes reminded me of it as they slowly began to water. I backed away and told Poppy to follow me and we exited the barrel door.


"There you are! I was beginning to worry you wouldn't come and I would have to fail class tomorrow." Ominis shouted from the wall with a smile. He sniffed the air and quickly pinched his nose with his free hand.

"Oh yeah. Poppy here has a moon calf Lavina let out in our common room. I offered that we would walk with her to beasts class so she wouldn't be alone. Is that alright?" I asked. He removed his hand and huffed but agreed.

"No, you two go on ahead. Now that I don't have to worry about Lavina, I should be able to make the rest of the trip on my own. Have fun in Hogsmeade! Thank you Merlina for your help!" Poppy shouted with every step further away from us as she made her way to the two grand doors.

"She knows that's not the way out, correct?"

"I didn't see where she went Merlina. I'm blind."

I know in the game, this isn't how we meet Poppy. I thought this would be better for the book though and to work in Lavina!

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