Chapter Fifty-Two- Evil Me (Sebastian's POV)

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Winter had come and the grounds were now covered in snow. Everything in my life was going great. Merlina was mine. She would try to hide the hickies but there was no hiding them. Even with scarves there were no hiding the ones that were by her ears. I was getting ready for bed one night when Ominis came in, slamming the door behind him.

"Ominis, what's the matter?" I asked, finishing the buttons on my night shirt. Ominis huffed and sat on his bed, gripping the edges of the mattress tightly. His knuckles began to turn white until he finally let go and a sigh of giving up escaped.

"I need to find out who it was. It's been driving me mad." I knew he was talking about Morgana and the person going around the school disguised as him. He's been beating himself up ever since he found out, trying to figure who would be dumb enough to impersonate him.

"I can take care of all of it."

"How Sebastian? You going to do the same things you did last year?"

"No... but it would be best if you didn't know what I would have planned. Merlina is in NEWT level potions. She can help make us a very special potion that it's use itself is illegal."

"I know you're talking about veritaserum. You really think Merlina would be willing to break the law and make it?"

Ominis knew we were talking about Merlina, right? Like, Merlina Wood? The same Merlina that broke at least fifty school rules last year? The one who's keeping the dark secret of witnessing me murder my uncle? Clearly he underestimated how much Merlina truly cares for us.

"It's not whether or not she would that's the issue. It's finding a lie good enough for her to do it..." I informed, tapping my index finger on my lips in a thinking position.

"Tell her you need it to question Garreth of his intentions with Poppy. I overheard him talking to some other Gryffindors who were encouraging him to ask Poppy to the ball." Ominis instructed, finally falling into the dark side.

"Alright... I'll talk to her in the morning. Hopefully she can get it right so I can get the secret out of Morgana and maybe I can ask her some other things while I'm there like how she knows about the repository and what she intends to do with it." I informed, already forming the questions in my head.

"Let me know right before you do it. We can take her to the Undercroft and tie her up to make sure she talks." We agreed on a plan. One that would usually send chills up his spine but he was down with the bad. I suppose if it was in the name of love- he would do anything for her.


In the Great Hall that morning, Merlina and Poppy were sitting at the Hufflepuff table and Merlina was reading the Daily Prophet like usual. I wish Professor Fig hadn't put that habit into her. Sometimes, she'll sound like my uncle and that was anything but a compliment. This time, she even had Poppy sitting next to her and helping her read it.

"Good morning love." I whispered in Merlina's ear, placing a single peck on her cheek. She ignored it though and shushed me. As if my talking would distract her from reading. Still, I did as she said and sat on the other side of the table with Ominis.

"Oooo! I found it Merlina! 'Unlike the other contestants, Merlina Wood is the only person who I would feel safe enough to cheer on. With the makings of a future auror, she has got the skills and admiration to win the Hogwarts first House Cup Tournament. Wish the other contestants luck because despite being older, they stand no chance against this Hufflepuff.' Merlina! You completely wowed her!"

I suppose that meant Poppy and Merlina were looking for whatever article Robin Smith had written. Sounds like it's the only right thing she's ever written from what I've heard.

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