Chapter Fifty-Four- The House Cup Ball

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Tonight was a night that many girls dream about in their lives- the chance to feel like royalty. The chance to wear pretty puffy dresses, to drink various beverages and eat special cakes. The opportunity to dance through the night with your version of the prince who sweeps you off your feet. Mine was today and yet I felt more nervous than anything.

Not for the dancing. Not for all eyes being on me in a dress that cost way more than it should have. No- it was because of Sebastian. Since witnessing him cast the imperious curse on Morgana, things have been awkward between us. He won't tell me what he's protecting me from. What about Morgana Avery could be so terrifying?

I looked at myself in the blush pink dress that was tight on the top but puffed out starting at my hips into a big ball gown. Details of flowers decorated the torso of my dress, including fake flowers pinned onto it. The sleeves were large and puffy, cutting off halfway to my forearm with the rest of my arms hidden under soft white gloves. Poppy did my hair with various pins holding up my waves but letting a few dangle down.

"Merlina! Put on your mask." Poppy demanded with her mask already on.

She wore a dress that was golden yellow and similar to mine but no extra designs and ruffle after ruffle. Her mask was more of a bronze than a gold with tiny jewels placed along the nose and on the inner parts of where her eyebrows would be. I nodded my head and reached out soft white mask that had soft pink flowers decorating it and lace surrounding the mask. Along the tops of the eyes were jewels similar to Poppy's but smaller.

After we had gotten them on, we ran out of the Hufflepuff common room and up the stairs right into both Garreth Weasley, who wore the exact same outfit he asked Poppy to the dance in and a red mask, Sebastian who wore a black and white suit I had never seen him in before. His mask was white like mine but with black trimming and only covering half of his face.

"Wow... you look like a punch in the gut Poppy. You just took my breath away." Garreth stated, grinning from ear to ear. Poppy waved goodbye and ran off with the Weasley giggling at whatever other jokes he had, leaving Sebastian and I alone.

"Love you look beautiful. Like a princess." Sebastian informed, unable to take his eyes off of me with a soft smile.

He held up a finger and told me to spin and close my eyes. Although I was admittedly hesitant, I still did as he instructed. I could feel him placing a necklace on my neck. He told me to close my eyes but I just couldn't contain my excitement over it and peeked, seeing the golden chain with pearl drops on it varying in size the farther they went back.

"Sebastian! I- You shouldn't have."

"It's your Christmas present. So try to show off to everyone just how much I spoil you." Sebastian joked with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back, knowing this was probably extremely expensive. Placing a kiss on his cheek, both of our smiles grew wider than before.

"Where are Ms. Wood and Mr. Sallow?! Unless you are a contestant or a contestant's date, get inside the Great Hall or else you're expelled!" We could hear Headmaster Black shout out.


Professor Weasley had arranged us in a single file line from order of houses. First was Edward wearing a dragon hide coat over his suit and a silver mask covering his entire face. Next was Albion was next, wearing the mask of an owl and a blue and tan suit. Hugh, who stood in front of me, wore an outfit similar to Edward's with a red mask covering his whole face and shades of brown leather forming his coat. Last was me and Sebastian.

"Remember it's a ball. Let's have fun, alright?" It was like Sebastian knew I was nervous. I nodded my head to his question and gripped his hand tighter than before.

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