Chapter Sixty-One- Love Comes In All Forms

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Poppy, Sebastian, and I sat off to the side of one of the many hallways in Hogwarts, keeping an eye on Morgana. As the school year draws closer to an end, who knows what other tricks she and Albion might have up their sleeves. Professor Sharp promised to start keeping an eye on Professor Avery as well. Students of all sorts walked by, making our glances less obvious but surely she must have known.

She was afraid of someone finding out we knew of the plan. But we didn't even know of a plan. All Sebastian would tell us was that whoever it was wanted to wipe away all impurities from the wizarding world- whatever that meant.

"Ugh let's go to-" I started but Garreth came running down the halls screaming all of our names and completely ruining our covers. Morgana, standing next to Imelda, both glared at all of us before standing up and storming off past him.

"Poppy... control your Gryffindor right now." Sebastian demanded through his teeth.

Garreth plopped down next to Poppy with his typical goofy grin and Poppy giggling. Poppy was always a sunshine sort of girl but seeing her like this always made my heart happy. If anyone deserved to be giggly at the sight of her love- it was Poppy. He held up a dark emerald bottle full of a random liquid with its cork smaller than the bottle itself. He lifted it off and handed it to me with a grin.

"Smell it and tell us what you think it is." Garreth demanded, handing me the bottle. Although hesitation was starting to take over, curiosity was stronger. I took the bottle and hovered my nose above it, inhaling it. It smelled of old books and scented cypress- a combination of Sebastian and Ominis.

"I'm glad to see you perfected amortentia Garreth." I stated with a smirk, handing the bottle back to him.

"So... what did you smell? Did it help with any unresolved things?" Garreth asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Everyone knew he was talking about Sebastian and Ominins but none of them dared to be so blunt with the question. Still- all eyes were on me awaiting an answer.

"Yes. It showed that I'm actually in love with Poppy. Honey and spring flowers were all I smelled." I sarcastically responded, smiling and winking at Poppy. She grabbed it from me and inhaled it before a high pitched giggle escaped her.

"To me, it smells like... autumn woods, smoke, and... and cinnamon." She informed, glancing at Garreth and giggling once more. It was cute for her. Interrupting the moment came the bell, signaling it was time for Transfiguration with Ominis. I couldn't help but wonder where he was anyway. Maybe he was avoiding us since he knew we would be stalking his ex-fiance. I got up and waved goodbye before running off to join the class.


Transfiguration was developing to be quite a bore compared to Professor Sharp's after school lessons. I was learning things not even the seventh years knew about with Sharp. Even blind, Ominis could tell I was bored and annoyed in class. Since the lesson was quick and Professor Shah needed something from Professor Weasley, we were left to do as we pleased.

Majority of the class was talking to one another, goofing off while I tried to help Ominis with his potions homework and sat eating the caramel cobwebs Poppy bought me from Honeydukes. It was the same thing we were learning in Sharps class but as if it had been dumbed down. From the corner of the classroom, I could see a group of Gryffindors talking amongst one another and laughing loudly as they lightly pushed Leander. Clearly they were rooting him on for something.

He took deep breaths before finally making his way toward us. Even with every step, his forehead glistened but not from oils or lotions- from sweat. He was clearly nervous about something. As he finally stopped in front of our table, he cleared his throat to announce his presence as if the smell of sweat and mint mixing didn't do it enough.

"Leander? What's the matter?" I asked, glancing up at him and flashing a smile that screams 'I'm kind but don't want to be here.'

"I'll tell you what's... oh, you have something on the corner of your lip Merlina. Let me get it for you." Leander offered, already reaching his hand out half way through his sentence.

He didn't place his hand on my face though. No, Ominis had swerved his head and smirked at the touch of Leander's palm against his cheek. By the time Leander realized, it was too late. Everyone in the class was already laughing and making him flustered.

"Ugh! All you Slytherins can be so annoying!" He complained, removing his hand and wiping it off as if Ominis' cheek was some sort of liquid.

"Watch your mouth and piss off before I actually get mad. You're interrupting her from helping me with my Potions homework." Ominis snapped, glaring in his direction.

"No, it's alright Ominis. What did you want to tell me Leander?"

"Yes well, erhm... I was hoping to see if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me since I hear you and Sallow are not courting anymore."

"She will not be going with you. Goodbye now Leander." Ominis waved off. Leander looked to me as if wondering if the words Ominis spoke were true but I couldn't make eye contact with him. Getting the hint, he scoffed and stormed off like a child who didn't get his way back to the group of Gryffindors now glaring at me.

This was definitely not going to blow over well. I sighed and let my head lightly slam onto the table. At this point, I should just sew onto my clothes 'Don't talk to me if Sebastian or Ominis are around' with how much those two think they control my life and my choices. Was I interested in Leander? Of course not. Could I have let him down in a harsh way? Possibly but now we'll never know.

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