Chapter One Hundred and Two- Insecurities (Ominis POV)

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"Everyone start packing! I've already sent an owl to Professor Sharp and I'm meeting him in Hogsmeade!" Merlina announced as we all entered the tent. "Poppy, can you also pack my luggage for me?"

Poppy nodded her head and agreed while running around. It looked frantic but could anyone really blame us? We had found out a teacher we loved and respected was possibly one of the worst faces the wizarding world had ever seen. I couldn't imagine the thoughts running through Garreth's mind. Just as quick as we had entered the tent, Merlina left, only leaving the black smoke behind.

I ran straight to the room both Sebastian and I shared, throwing my luggage bag on the bed and shoveling everything I needed into it. Usually I would fold them but there was no time for that. It was at this point Sebastian entered, almost as red in the face as a tomato.

"I know I said we could let her decide but I need you to back off." Sebastian spoke bluntly.

I turned to him, completely dumbfounded. Now was when he wanted to do this? While Professor Sharp and other students were possibly in danger? Why didn't it shock me though? I stopped what I was doing and furrowed my eyebrows, unable to form words to express just how annoyed I was right now.

"Your father would be furious if you married out of your family. You said it yourself that you were only marrying Morgana for money. I have no one but Merlina and I cannot even fathom a life without her."

"That's because you're not in love with her; you're obsessed." I spat out.

"Obsession is a form of love Ominis. I'm willing to do anything she wants me to do. I'm willing to kill or be killed by whoever just because she asks for it. That's the difference between you and I. I deserve her."

I couldn't even take him seriously anymore. Someone I once held in such high regard and yet he couldn't get off his ass for more than two seconds to see just how happy she made me. He's had Malfoys, LeStranges, and even Morgana Avery throw themselves at him for an ounce of attention. Yet he wanted to take away the only good thing in my life but he was right about one thing. We are different.

"If she chooses you, I will move on with my life and never bother either of you again. But it has to be her choice Sebastian. I will not lie to her just because you are insecure." 


Merlina and Professor Sharp were awaiting us in Hogsmeade in an ally behind the post shop. It didn't take Sebastian, Poppy, Garreth, and I long to find them. Professor Sharp was giving her something but I couldn't see just what it was. All I could make out was a tiny box but knew whatever was in it was serious. She wore a look that screamed anxious but nodded her head and accepted it, shoving it into her coat pocket. 

"Professor Sharp! Merlina!" Poppy shouted, running towards them. Merlina's face eased, seeing all four us of with them safely. 

"Good you four are here. Are you sure the house elf was telling the truth? From what Merlina was explaining to me, she seemed to be a baby that could barely grasp the situation." Professor Sharp asked.

"Yes sir. She was very clear it was..." I didn't dare to finish that sentence when I saw the look on Garreth's face. The look of disappointment. I had worn it one too many times so I know it when I see it. 

"Very well... we need to get to Hogwarts. Last I saw, she didn't seem to be worried about anything. We can ask the students just where she is." 

We all followed both him and Merlina, running down the cobblestone roads and passed the bridges. Trees that were finally coming back to life as the snow was melting away. Rivers flowing once more instead of being iced over. The smell of nature returning, meaning spring was on the way. A smell I loved ever so much. 

By the time we had gotten to Hogwarts, not a single student was in sight. With it being the start of the new school year, this raised worry in all of us. Sure, there were only sixth seventh years left but that's still almost 500 students and not one of them was around? We pushed the doors from the Viaduct Courtyard open and on the ground laid the two troublesome Gryffindor first years with bloodied noses and Edward hunched over them.

"Albus! Elphias! What happened?!" Merlina shouted, running to their side.

"Morgana is going to the repository." Edward answered quickly, looking up at her. Her face went white, loosing colour all over. She turned to both me and Sebastian, not saying a single word but I knew what she was about to do.

"Where is Professor Weasley?" Merlina asked, turning her attention back to the first years.

"She took all the students inside the Great Hall." Albus answered, rubbing the blood away from his nose. "Hey Slytherin! I learned protego so that strumpet should be hurt too."

"You all help the students. I'll deal with Morgana." Merlina didn't give us a chance to argue with her before standing up and running off down the Grand Staircase. A battle was about to commence and I wasn't very sure we were even ready. She wasn't going to be able to hide behind the students very long though. That I was sure of.

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