Chapter Ninty-Seven- Drama Hall

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Sebastian, Ominis, and I stood in the middle of the Viaduct Courtyard, waiting for our two friends and the person hosting our tests. This was the first time I could actually walk in the last three days and I was stuck waiting to take a damn test I didn't even want to do.

"What's taking them so long? This is just getting ridiculous." Ominis groaned, turning around to face us and rest his back against the bricked wall.

"We could always wait in the Undercroft..." Sebastian suggested, licking his lips and looking me up and down.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and scoff. Sure, I don't blame him for wanting more after Christmas Eve but it was all about timing. This was anything but the right time. Running up the steps as fast as they could, our two favorite Weasleys and an awkward walking Sweeting came up and joined us.

"I see you had a good Winter break." Sebastian joked while giving Garreth a proud high five.

"Sebastian!" Poppy and I both shouted in the same, scolding tone.

"I will let you five catch up. Be in the Great Hall in twenty minutes. That is where we'll do the testing." Professor Weasley explained before running off into the castle.

All five of us were alone and now facing the music. We were about to become puppets to the Ministry. No better than Morgana. Sure, she chose the wrong side of this blood war but I'm sure she thinks she's in the right. Same as us five.

Sure, we could have small talk about what we did over Winter break but that wouldn't change the outcome of this. Regardless whether we pass or fail, the Ministry was going to use us to get what they wanted. An outcome where they look good.

The sound of child-like laughter came out of the castle, leaving us all to glance at one another. Before today, Sebastian, Ominis, and I were the only students who were still in the castle. There were no ghosts in the shape of children here. In one giant group, we moved into the castle and running toward the Great Hall were two Gryffindor first years.

"Albus? Elphias? What in Merlin's beard are you two still doing here?" I shouted out, already building the scolding fury only a mother has in the pits of my stomach.

"We didn't want to go to France so we stayed here." Elphias explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"It's not safe for you two here. You both need to get out of Hogwarts." Garreth explained, smacking them both against their heads.

"That's stupid. If seventh years can stay here, we should be able to as well! We're just as-"

"Levioso!" Sebastian shouted, hovering them both up in the air. Albus had lost what he was saying and replaced it a nervous scream.

"Sebastian! Set them down now!" I shouted, now scolding him. He did as I said and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You two don't even know protego. Go to Headmaster Black before we do." Sebastian demanded before walking away, entering the Great Hall.

"What the hell was that?" Poppy asked, only loud enough for me to hear.

I didn't even have an answer for her. Sure, he wasn't wrong but he didn't need to do all of that to the two boys. Ignoring her, I walked past the group and straight into the Great Hall. The tables had disappeared and inside were five desks in two rows. Sebastian sat on one of them, groaning and resting his head in his hands.

"I don't want to argue about it Merlina." Sebastian groaned, not even looking up at me.

"I'm not here to lecture you. I know you're just trying to protect those boys.

Sebastian lifted his head, glancing up at me. I could tell he wanted to speak but the door's opened behind us with Professor Sharp and Professor Weasley arguing. Everyone else but Albus and Elphias followed after, hanging on every word.

"Clearly they don't want to do this. They shouldn't have to do this." Professor Sharp shouted as if the Great Hall was filled with students.

"It is out of my hands Professor Sharp. The Ministry-"

"With all due respect Professor Weasley, screw the Ministry. These are seventeen-year-olds who should be able to enjoy their last year of schooling! Not have to take a ridiculous test."

A silent gasp filled the air, sucking out oxygen from all of our breaths. Professor Sharp really was trying his hardest to help us avoid graduating early because he knew it's what at least I wanted. Professor Weasley was shocked, jaw literally on the ground before closing her mouth and sighing.

"Professor Sharp! You are out of line! If the Minister believes these students are ready for this 'war' as you call it, then we cannot question him. I understand you are upset for personal reasons but you must see this is out of our hands." Professor Weasley defended.

Not another word was spoken before we heard both the Minister's laugher of madness and Headmaster Black's boasting voice. Volume louder than meaning when it came to his words.

"I hope we can do anything to help you Minister!" Headmaster Black shouted clear as day yet not even in the Great Hall.

"Well I sure am glad to hear that. Ms. Wood and her friends are the future of what the wizarding world should become. Not obsessing over blood status but only the best witches and wizards should be in charge."

Did Minister Spavin really just say that to Headmaster Black? A proud member of the House of Black? I couldn't believe my ears as they both entered with Minister Spavin holding a thick stack of parchments.

"Well hello Minister Spavin! We were just getting the students prepared for the exam." Professor Weasley quickly spoke, changing her tone of voice and body language completely.

Poppy, Ominis, and Garreth almost ran over to both Sebastian and I. Words were not needed to read the messages loud and clear. Everyone of us was nervous for what we were about to do. What happens after we take them? We automatically go to auror training? Arrest Morgana and anyone else we suspect to be working with the Puppeteer? I could feel the sweat start to form on my hairline.

"Alright! Take your seats students!" Minister Spavin demanded. "Let's take your tests!"

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