Chapter Eighty-Three- Detention

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When one has detention in the muggle world, it's cleaning the classroom or even the entire school depending on how terrible they have acted. When one has detention in the wizarding world, it's apparently quite the same. Professor Weasley had made us sit in seats in her classroom while she took roll despite clearly seeing us all there.

"Very well... I hope you all used the restrooms before getting here. Since last year, you have all been thorns in the faculty's boots. You will all resolve this issue by morning or another detention like this will occur. Do I make myself clear?" Professor Weasley asked.

We all began talking over one another, obvious that it was anything but clear. Still, Professor Weasley was not in the mood and had locked the door behind her on the way out. We were locked in a tiny room with potentially the biggest threat that the wizarding world has seen yet.

"Well... why don't-"

"Why don't you start talking about the muggleborns that have gone missing? I know it was you Morgana." Ominis interrupted her. We all turned our heads to him. Surely to Morgana, it would look like confusion as if we had no clue of what he spoke but in truth, we were shocked he would call it out so bluntly.

"I have heard the rumors but that's all they are- rumors. Nobody is going missing from Hogwarts or else my brother would have told me." Morgana informed.

Could she really have no clue that the Puppeteer has been kidnapping students? No... Morgana surely has to know. Edward even said he believes she's one of the Puppeteer's favorite soldiers.

"He just found out earlier today. We went to Azkaban with Professor Sharp where an ex convict admitted that he knew of the students and who's kidnapping them." I partially lied. Morgana turned to me, eyes as large as a dragon's wing span. For once, I saw true fear glisten in her eyes.

"You know... things didn't start getting crazy until you showed up here two years ago Merlina. Perhaps you outta leave Hogwarts, yeah?" Imelda spat out, taking a seat on top of one of the tables.

"At least she hasn't opened her legs for anyone who gives her two seconds of attention." Ominis responded for me, earning a loud cackle from Poppy.

"Oh please. She has you and your gay lover wrapped around her ugly, fat finger!"

"Hey! I am not the gay lover! If anything, Ominis would be." Sebastian argued, totally not caring about the topic at hand.

"What are you trying to imply Imelda?" I asked, taking a few steps towards her.

"That you must be so sore with two snakes inside of you."

"Oh shut it Imelda! Are you one to speak when you were literally trying to snuggle my fiancé in the courtyard when everyone knows you're courting Thomas LeStrange? You can pretend Merlina is something but at the end of the day, we all know who the true harlots of Hogwarts are. As for you Morgana? You are even worse than Imelda! You are a girl who has been trying to hop from penis to penis despite Albion's body barely being cold. Yeah, I said it. You tried to break Ominis from Merlina despite being with Albion and now you're trying to break Sebastian from her too. Have you ever thought they might like you more if you weren't such a snotty, stuck-up brat?"

Every word Poppy spoke, another inch to the floor everyone's jaw would drop. This was a side of her none of us had seen. Petty Poppy who has no filter. What a glorious image to behold. Even Morgana and Imelda were dumbfounded, stuttering because they didn't even know what to say. Poor Leander being thrown into all of this.

"Let's just get through the night. Once Professor Weasley opens the door, we'll behave for a week and then go back to how things were before." Sebastian suggested.

"Fine... but only because you suggested it. Imelda, Prewett, let's claim that corner." Morgana led the three of them to the back corner where they sat down.

"Honey... that was beautiful! How do you feel?" Garreth silently encouraged, quietly laughing while pulling Poppy in for a hug.

"Bloody fantastic." Poppy answered.

The rest of detention was spent in quiet conversations. Morgana, Imelda, and Leander would talk amongst themselves while our group did as well. I wonder if they know just how much we knew of what they do. Of the Puppeteer.

"I think I got to Morgana earlier... Once we all are dismissed from detention, I suspect she's going to warn the Puppeteer. I'm going to follow her so I need you all to cover for me in case anyone starts getting suspicious." I demanded.

"No way you're going alone. If Harlow was right about Morgana 'marking' you, you could fall into a trap. I'm coming with and it is not up for debate." Ominis responded with one of the most serious expressions I have ever seen come across his face.

"Perhaps I should go instead of you Ominis. I'm more threatening and better at dueling. Plus... I have vision." Sebastian tried to debate.

"No... Ominis would be better. They could keep their distance since Ominis has incredible hearing." Poppy sided. "You and Garreth can help me. I have a very important task."

I knew it was lie. They knew it was a lie. Hell- even Morgana would know it was a lie if she heard it. Poppy was a person who always claimed she had no sides but if it came down to it, Ominis would probably be her favorite. No one argued with her but a plan was now in formation.

We waited until the sun came up and our favorite ginger Professor allowed us to leave but not without sitting through yet another lecture about teamwork and being kind to our fellow witch or wizard. Once we were allowed to leave, Morgana almost zoomed off but not without Ominis and I hot on her trail. We followed closely until seeing just exactly where she went: Professor Chang's classroom. Edward was wrong- Professor Chang must be the Puppeteer.

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