Chapter Thirty- Fig's Funeral

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I opened my eyes to expect a new day, back in my room, like everything that happened was a bad dream. Waking up in the hospital wing, every part of me with skin wrapped in bandages reminded me it wasn't. Ranrok was finished. The end of Rookwood's reign. Professor Fig... taken away as well. The sun was barely peeking up from the windows so I could assume I had stayed overnight. Still, two obnoxious snores echoed the wing from my two favorite Slytherins, sleeping in the wooden chairs.

"You're awake! How do you feel?" Poppy's voice perked up, carrying a jug of what I could assume was water.

"Like I just awoke from a graveyard would be an understatement. How long have I been here?" I asked, looking around to see if anyone else was also around that I hadn't seen yet.

"Three days. Whatever spell you casted really took you out. Sebastian, Ominis, and I even got detention to serve since we haven't left this room once. Professor Weasley has been going behind Headmaster Black's orders and still giving us food... but with a scolding and stacks of homework as payment."

"Professor Fig... Is he really..?" I couldn't even finish the question I was sure I knew the answer to. Maybe there was a spell that brought people back to life though that I hadn't known about. Poppy though, now saddened, shook her head no and placed the jug next to the empty glass on the table beside me. She sat in the chair next to the bed, placing her hand in mine.

"Professor Weasley managed to convince Headmaster Black to push off the funeral until you woke up. She knew how close you two were and knew it would mean a lot to you to attend." I couldn't even bring myself to cry. The tears sat there, forming but not daring to fall onto my face.

"To change the topic... how are you two doing?" I asked, nodding my head towards Sebastian still snoring loud, a leg over the arm of a chair and his arm draped onto the back of it. She giggled and nodded her head.

"Yeah... we weren't meant to be. I'm just glad he said it before I did. I was planning to leave him when I got back from break but when he said he wanted to stay friends, I agreed. He was just too... focused on other things. I felt like I was dating a wall with a pair of really great lips." We both laughed loudly, covering our mouths quick and muffling the rest of our giggles.

I couldn't deny that hearing all of this was quite shocking. I guess Sebastian isn't all that girls hype him up to be but it definitely made sense. Just as if hearing his name, he awoke, stretching and groaning until he saw both Poppy and I staring at him. Immediately, he smacked Ominis hard on the chest, shouting that I was awake. Ominis hadn't even fully awoken when Sebastian tackled me, embracing me as hard and tight as he could.

"Merlin's beard; get off of her Sebastian! She is still healing!" Poppy demanded like a mother, taking a copy of The Daily Prophet and slamming it against his arms repeatedly. Finally getting the hint, Sebastian stepped away and next to Ominis, who was smiling and leaving his hand on my leg.

"Looks like the Core Four is reunited. At least, it would appear that's what the rest of the school calls you. Now that she's awake, I suppose this means we can have the funeral for Professor Fig tonight." We all turned our heads to both Headmaster Black and Professor Weasley standing there, looking at us. Like usual, Headmaster Black had his chin high up in the air and looking down on each of us. Following close behind them was a tanned man with hair and his long beard as white as snow. Although his face could barely be seen due to his insanely large nose, his almond eyes had a crazed look and his smile containing unusually large teeth.

"Core Four eh? What does that even mean?" Sebastian started but Poppy slapped his arm with the newspaper once more, silently telling him to shut up.

"Thank you Ms. Sweeting. You three are dismissed. The Minister of Magic is here to speak to Ms. Wood alone. While you're out, take a bath and change your robes. You all stink!" Headmaster Black shouted at each of my friends. They all waved their goodbyes and there I was, face to face with the Minister. He held a small leather-bound bag on his knees while he took the seat Poppy had sat in moments ago.

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