Chapter Ninty-Three- Father and Daughter

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My eyes fluttered open with pain coming off of every inch of my body. My body felt like a dragon had attempted to stomp me to death. Unlike all the other times where my friends would sleep by my side until I awoke, this time by my side was Professor Sharp. He was covered in blood, no doubt belonging to me. The moon was high in the sky, signifying it was the middle of the night.

"I'm so glad to see you're awake and alive." Nurse Blainey spoke quietly. I turned my head in the direction of her voice and there she stood holding an opened box to show new bandages and various bottles.

"How long has Professor Sharp been here?" I asked while she walked over to me.

"Since he brought you here three hours ago. For two people who aren't blood, you two sure do act like family. He refused to let anyone see you. He wanted to treat you himself but I refused it."

I glanced over at the sleeping professor. Nurse Blainey was right. He's become more of a father figure than even Professor Fig was.

"Did anyone survive the...?" I couldn't even finish my words. Albion and the Puppeteer killing Natty and whoever else. I still hadn't found Professor Chang. Who knew if she was in any danger.

"No... you were the only one alive. Apparently you were Professor Hecat's last words."

No Professor Hecat? No Lucan? Even Professor Chang must have died then if she was there. Nurse Blainey started her treatment, changing the bandages soaked in blood and putting some sort of fungus back in the wound the cut Albion left me. Could he also still be alive still? One could only hope someone brought that bastard down.

"You're finished. If I may be so bold to put my judgement somewhere, may I suggest you wake up the professor? I'm sure he would be glad to know you're awake."

Nurse Blainey went back to her office with a wink and closed the door behind her. Even though I knew he was probably exhausted trying to save me with Ominis, I decided to take her advice. Unlike Sebastian and Ominis, Professor Sharp was easy to awaken.

"Merlina..." was all he could say.

A smile crossed my lips but a word didn't get the chance to escape. Only air knocked out of me when he tackled me into a hug. He tried his best to shut them but even without seeing his face, I knew he was crying. I suppose that was the only reason I didn't stop him from hugging me despite my shoulder still killing me. Once he pulled away, I could see the clear drops dripping into his beard. Nurse Blainey was right... Professor Sharp was now the closest thing I had to a father. Even more so than Professor Fig.

"Professor Sharp, are you alright?" I asked.

"I was just worried we were going to loose you for a while there. I'm glad to see you're safe. So will Ominis." Professor Sharp hinted with a laugh while wiping his tears.

"You gave it to him?! Now what am I supposed to give him for Christmas?!" I asked, laughing while smacking his arm. He laughed even harder, pretending to be scared.

"Since you're awake now, I'm going to go to my room and change my clothes. Please get some sleep and in the morning, we can get Ominis so you can yell at him instead of me. Does that sound alright with you?" Professor Sharp asked. I nodded my head and already began laying down.

"Oh... and Merlina?" Professor Sharp started while getting up, "I'm very proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself as well. If you need me, let Nurse Blainey know. I'll come running here."

Hearing those words almost made me want to cry. I nodded my head and did as he requested, laying my head down on the pillow. With the amount of times I'm in the Hospital Wing, Nurse Blainey should just make this my permanent bed. Somehow, I managed to sleep through the rest of the night peacefully. Only reason why I woke up was because I could hear all of my friends shouting at both Nurse Blainey and Professor Sharp.

"Come on! After all we went through, we should be able to see her!" Garreth roared in defense.

"Will you shut your voices? She is asleep and needs her rest!" Nurse Blainey scolded in a loud whisper.

"Please? Can we just peek if we promise not to say a word?" Poppy requested, soft and full of hope.

I had almost forgotten the last she heard of me, I was running away for the weekend. Even though my entire body was still sore, I decided they were right. They did deserve to see me after everything they went through. Using the bed as support, I got up and stood, walking to the end of it.

I had planned a whole speech but lost all the words once Ominis and I made eye contact. He could finally see me the way I see him. A soft smile showed on his face with a small nod, confirming he could see me. Confirming that weeks of attempting to make the potion actually worked.

"Merlina!" Sebastian shouted, pushing through everyone and running to me. He went in for a hug but I couldn't do that. I took a few steps back, confused as to why he was here.

The last I had seen of Sebastian, he was in this room making moves with Morgana. Clearly he fancied her and I couldn't trust him anymore. I would have rather he flirted with literally anyone else than her. His face was pained but took a few steps back as well. How could he expect me to act like everything was normal?

"It's... it's great you're alright." Sebastian spoke softly, looking down on the ground. "I'll leave you be. Rest up well."

I couldn't even say another word before he walked out of the Hospital Wing. Not storm out in a tuff or harass me asking what was wrong. Simply walked out and gave me space. I swear he was always so hard to read. One moment I think I understand Sebastian Sallow and the next he surprises me like this. The rest of my friends ran up to me, telling me how glad they were I was alright and everything. I just couldn't take my mind off of Sebastian.

"I'll... I'll be right back. You three don't push Merlina too hard." Professor Sharp insisted before running off after Sebastian.

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