Chapter Eighty-Two- Two Idiots In Action (Sebastian POV)

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"Look at us! Getting the easiest mission out of the entire group!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and taking a bite into the apple. Morgana and Imelda so far had spent the entire morning chatting away on a bench probably talking about periods or whatever girls talk to one another of.

"I know! Poppy and Ominis could get detention if caught, Merlina is visiting someone in jail, and we're just sitting here on a sunny day. Most dangerous thing about this is getting sunburnt." Garreth agreed, leaning back on the opposite bench.

Although there were students strutting around us and having their own conversations, we still managed to have clear view of both Morgana and Imelda. The two Slytherin whores as Ominis and I would joke. Ugh... why did Poppy have to take him and not Garreth again? Still... Weasley isn't as bad as I thought he would be.

"Garreth! What are you doing with Sallow?" We heard Leander shout as he made his way towards us. Fucking Prewett... a Gryffindor ginger I could actually hate since he wasn't fucking one of my friends.

"Don't tell Poppy but we're looking upon the eye candy that is Slytherin girls." Garreth lied quite quickly. Honestly, even I believed him and I knew what we were really doing. Leander turned and saw we had our eyes on both Morgana and Imelda before letting out a chuckle.

"Ah yes. I've been trying to court Morgana for weeks seeing as how she's only the second most attractive girl of our year but she's apparently still in love with someone else."

"Second prettiest? Well who's the first?"

"Merlina of course." I could tell Leander immediately regretted answering as I shot my glare at him. His adam's apple moved quickly in nervousness as he swallowed whatever spit had already built into his mouth. "I'd never stand a chance with her though seeing how she's won over the scariest person in the school."

"You think I'm scary Prewett? That's quite a compliment." I responded, honestly ready to forgive and forget until he opened his mouth once more.

"I wasn't talking of you Sallow. Ominis Gaunt is ten times more terrifying than you."

I shot the glare once more. Ominis? More terrifying than I am? Perhaps it's due to him not speaking to anyone really or just being a descendant of Slytherin. Could Ominis hold his own against four different wizards? I think not but I have and Merlina could detest to that.

"Yeah right. You're just saying that to piss me off." I muttered, taking another bite of the apple.

"He's got a point Sebastian. Ominis has this certain... ambience surrounding him. Guarantee if he had his vision, he would give even Merlina a run for her money in Crossed Wands." Garreth agreed.

"No way. Look, Ominis may be a good duelist. I'll give you that. He would never be better than Merlina and I though. That's why we work so well. We function off of respect for one another and how intelligent we are for the magical world."

"Respect can only get you so far. Looks like the snakes spotted their prey." Leander pointed out.

We glanced up and both Morgana and Imelda were giggling while walking over to us. Why were they giggling? I took another bite of my apple as we watched Imelda take the seat next to Garreth and Morgana by me. Leander didn't need someone to tell him to leave. He took his cue in silence and ran off, barely waving at them.

"Hello Sebastian. I hear you are single now. In case you weren't aware, so am I." Morgana whispered seductively, running her fingers down my chest.

I glanced over and Imelda was doing something similar to Garreth. It was clear as a glass of water how uncomfortable he was but he wasn't sure how to stop this. To be quite honest, I didn't either. Was it also bad I kind of enjoyed this public attention?

"Depulso!" Poppy shouted from a distance, skyrocketing Imelda until she hit a wall.

"You strike a pureblood Slytherin? She is your superior you disgusting-" Morgana started but Ominis interrupted her, casting bombarda on her.

Perhaps Leander and Garreth were both right in saying that Ominis would be better than me if he had vision. He didn't even see where Morgana was and still managed to hit her. Sure, his wand was sentient but to still manage it shocked me.

"You keep your bloody magic off of her! I don't care if you are blind or not!" Leander shouted, almost striking Ominis if it wasn't for Merlina diving to take the hit.

She took a spell for Ominis, forcing them both backwards and landing off their feet. She didn't wait to rest but stood up immediately and casted a spell back onto Leander. Suddenly it was an all out feud between Imelda, Morgana, and Leander VS Merlina, Poppy, Ominis, and I. For once, Garreth was the only one doing what would have been deemed as a good thing. We only stopped for a single moment when we were dangling mid air. On the ground, both Professor Sharp and Professor Weasley stood.

"Detention! All of you- including you Garreth. You will all report to my classroom tonight after dinner. Do I make myself clear?" Professor Weasley demanded.

"But Aunt-"

"No buts Garreth! You were no doubt involved in this one way or another!" They both dropped us before walking off.

"Let me know when you're over the squib Sebastian. I have no problem showing you how a real woman behaves. Let's go guys." Morgana demanded with both Imelda and Leander following closely behind.


"Are you serious? So what do we think now?" I asked out loud. While waiting for detention, we all went over what we learned throughout the day.

"Do we think Morgana is the Puppeteer?" Poppy asked quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was around.

"No... she's Pinocchio. She thinks she's the real deal but is as wooden as the rest of the marionettes." Merlina answered, tapping her chin.

"I wouldn't put it past her though to be helping with the cases of the students. Perhaps she's the reason why it doesn't look as suspicious when they're being removed off campus." Ominis theorized.

"Guys shush! My aunt is coming with the rest of detention." Garreth pointed out. We all glanced and as he stated, she walked with Morgana, Leander, and Imelda.

"Welp... welcome to detention ladies and gentlemen." I announced. They were going to finally get a glimpse of what I (and most likely Garreth) experience.

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