Chapter Thirty-Nine- Birthday Wishes

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The summer weeks passed with ease but the tension between Sebastian and I grew more and more. I would find myself just watching him, imagining how his fingers felt against my skin and his lips pressed onto mine. Whatever came over me was anything but sane. It was still the middle of the night when I awoke, drenched in a cold sweat and Sebastian putting his back against the wall in nervousness. My breathing hard and fast, entering and exiting through my mouth. I couldn't even remember what I was dreaming but it was surely something to do with Ranrok or Rookwood.

"I heard you screaming and wanted to make sure you were alright." Sebastian made sure his voice was soft and low, but not quite to the point of a whisper.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you." I responded, running my hands through my hair as an attempt to hide the sweat.

"I'd have to be asleep in order to be awoken." He laughed off, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly. "I tend to stay up majority of the night reading Professor Fig's books and his wife's journals. That's also why I tend to take naps during the day. Come with me. I made you something that I might as well show you now."

Sebastian held out his hand, signaling wherever we were going was definitely not while staying in this bed. I sighed and with every bit of energy in me (which I could say was very little) took his hand and got out of the bed. The house was pitch black and surprisingly cool despite the humid temperatures all week. He led me out of the house to the most spectacular display I had ever seen.

The short but fluffed tree in front of the house had cans dangling from each of the branches. Each can had holes cut into them and gave off a glow, no doubt from all the candles inside the house. I was at a lost for words, memorized by the beauty of what was in front of me when I felt Sebastian's arms wrap around me from behind.

"Happy 16th birthday love." He whispered in my ear. Sure, he asked me when my birthday was after defeating trolls in Hogsmeade but I didn't think he would have remembered. That was so long ago... so much has happened since then.

"Sebastian I- I don't even know what to say. This is... this is too beautiful. Thank you!" I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. He didn't hesitate even a moment to hug me even tighter.

"Come on! The view is better under the tree!" He didn't even wait for me to respond back when he grabbed my hand, just as before, and lead me to the tree. The cold grass tickled between my toes as we ran.

He was right. Despite living in a world where magic is all around, unicorns exist, and plants can eat people alive, this was the most magical thing I had ever seen. Due to the flame's lights from the various candles, tiny dots of light decorated the ground all around us. It was a magnificent sight.

"Make a wish." Sebastian demanded in a kind tone, holding one of my hands. I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand tightly, really thinking hard until it came to mind.

"I wish a normal school year... for everyone that I care for. No goblin rebellions, no dealing with poachers, and... and no more positions where we have to choose whether our life is more important than another's. I want to experience Hogwarts the way I should have last year- the way we all should have last year." I announced, grabbing his hand and squeezing it lightly.

Although he tried his best to hide it, I could see the tears threatening his eyes as he smiled down at me. A light breeze picked up from no where, as if the spirits around us were helping dry his tears for him.

"I think that's an amazing birthday wish. We should probably collect all the candles and go inside before the wind sets the grass on fire." I nodded to Sebastian suggestion with a light chuckle. One by one, we collected all sixteen candles in the canisters before running back into the house.

I left Sebastian alone in the living room to light a few candles for us while grabbing my yellow and white quilt and a few pillows. The room gave off an orange glow from the singular candle light on the lantern next to the picture of Professor Fig and Miriam. I knew it was normal for Sebastian to sleep shirtless but I felt as if tonight specifically, he did it for my attention. After placing the blanket and pillows on the couch, I walked over to Sebastian and began running my fingers lightly along his back, up and down his spine.

"I...I have one more request for my birthday Sebastian." I announced in a hushed tone, despite it only being us in the house. I needed these insane thoughts out of my system. He turned slowly, flashing me a look confirming he was curious as to what I would request. "Kiss me."

Not a second went to waste as Sebastian slammed my back on one of the bookshelves, placing his lips on mine passionately and his hands on the sides of my face. Books fell on either side of us but none of that mattered now. Moving his hands under my thighs, he lifted me up to him. Both my legs and arms were wrapped around his body, craving for more. I couldn't control myself, biting his bottom lip and hearing a moan escape his lips, burying itself into the kiss. Things didn't move in slow motion like they did with Ominis or even seem as sweet. It was here and now, in the moment. It was like a whiskey I couldn't take my lips off of, making me more addicted with every second longer. Things had gotten to the point of being sloppy, not caring where our lips ended or how lined up it was.

He set me down immediately and backed away, taking deep breaths and facing his back to me. Using the back of the couch as support, he gripped it and couldn't take his eyes off the floor.

"Did I... did I do something wrong Sebastian?" I asked, running my finger tips on my lips. Maybe I took it too far or even hurt him somehow when I bit his lips. Instead of hearing a proper response though, he just laughed into his deep breaths.

"No I uh- I got a little excited there for a moment. Why don't you set up the blanket and pillows while I... go to the bathroom? Yes! I will be back in a moment." I couldn't even argue or ask Sebastian what he meant before he ran off down the hall where the bathroom was. If I learned anything about him though- it was not to press things like this.

I did as he asked though, moving the couch and coffee table in front of the unused fireplace. I even cleaned up the books we had dropped onto the floor, trying my best to put them back the right way. After laying the blanket and pillows down, Sebastian finally came back with a smile. He didn't even give a warning before pushing me lightly on the quilt, fluffy enough to make sure I didn't hurt my back.

"Have you read this book called Moby Dick? It has a giant whale on the cover and I don't know... definitely seems interesting." Sebastian commented, grabbing the book off the shelf. He ran over to me and laid next to me. "Lay on my chest and let me read to you. If my words don't put you to sleep, than hopefully the sound of my heartbeat will."

Where was this version of Sebastian coming from? He sounded romantic- like a poet who knew how to twist the words to get whatever he pleased. Is this what got every girl on their knees in worship at Hogwarts? Did he treat every girl like this?

Still, I did as he requested. As he read the words out loud, he began playing with the side of my hair, running his fingers through it. I couldn't even yell at him, despite knowing a giant tangle would probably take it's place. I didn't mind ironically. The words began to fade in one ear and out the other before my eyes finally shut. It was already one of the most successful birthdays I had ever had and the sun still wasn't out.

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