Chapter Sixteen- Something True (Ominis POV)

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I entered the common room as hues of blue and silver mixed together, except for the bright red blinking light of my wand. Sometimes I wonder if I would be able to truly understand the beauty of things if I could. Chatter surrounded as I made my way to my favorite spot- by the first years who were on the lookout for mermaids or the giant squid. I liked hearing them whisper to one another, sounding like idiots.

"Where have you been all day?" Sebastian asked, sounding like a father disappointed in his child for ditching classes.

"In Professor Weasley's bed chambers." I answered sarcastically, smirking in the arm chair by the windows. I could feel Sebastian shift in attitude to my response.

"You know, Merlina was also gone from classes. Could that have anything to do with it?"

"Why do you ask Sebastian?"

"Merlin's beard, can you two take this jealous tiff outside? Not everyone wants to hear about damn Merlina!" Imelda shouted, making everyone's heads turn to us and the room silent. "I think I speak for everyone when I say we are so annoyed with her! She has all the teachers wrapped around her fingers and now apparently you both as well. Just take it elsewhere. Some of us have homework from Fig we need to work on."

Sebastian cleared his throat and began tapping morse code on the wooden table beside me. Undercroft? I nodded my head and we stood, walking over to the door to leave. While walking, there was exchanges of small talk in case portraits or even house elves were around to report back to any of the staff. We entered the Undercroft and were finally able to speak as freely as we had wanted.

"Are you and Merlina... together?" Sebastian asked rather bluntly. I tried to play as oblivious as I could, avoiding the question entirely. Truth is, I wasn't sure just how she felt about me. It definitely felt as if she only saw me as a friend- at most a best friend. "Give me a yes or no."

"No, I suppose not." I finally answered.

"Very well. Anyways, we need to talk about the scriptorium Ominis. I need to get in there and-"

"Alright... I know you're not going to let this be any time soon. Send the owl to Merlina to meet us outside the Slytherin entrance after classes tomorrow. Her and I will probably be serving detention during lunch so we can't do it then. I need to leave but before I do, would you say that she and you are close?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well... I was just curious as to why she started as a fifth year instead of a first year with us." Sebastian sighed and from the sounds of this, sat on something.

"There's a rumor going around... a rumor she apparently turned a muggle into stone like the gorgons in Greece. I think Lavina started it though so I'm not putting too much faith in it." Turned a muggle into stone? There's no way that could possibly be true, could it? I had spoken so much about myself since we first met, I knew not a single thing about her.

"I am leaving now. I have to speak to Professor Fig about something. I'll see you later Sebastian." I waved my goodbye and left towards the faculty tower.


I knocked as loud as I could against the wooden door I understood to belong to Professor Fig. From what I have heard, even before meeting Merlina, her and Professor Fig are quite close. Some have even said he's adopted her but I'm not sure how true the rumor is. The wooden door let out an annoying creek and I could hear a surprised gulp swallow.

"Professor Fig? I was wondering if I might have a word with you?" I requested, figuring if I wanted to know everything about her, to ask her apparent father figure.

"Uh- yes. Of course Mr. Guant. Why don't you find a seat while I get us some tea." I nodded my head and once I knew I was in front of a chair, placed my wand down and sat in it. If I could rate uncomfortable chairs, including the shack I called my childhood home, this chair would win. "What can I do for you young sir?"

"I was hoping we could talk about Merlina sir. There are lots of rumors circling the castle and to be quite honest, I care for her deeply. I was wondering if you could clear some of them though." The second the word rumors escaped my lips, I could hear a tea cup spill from a nervous shake. Was he hiding something about Merlina?

"Rumors, eh? What sort of rumors?"

"Like that you adopted her and that she discovered she had magic by turning a muggle into stone." A loud laugh escaped the middle-aged man's throat, almost as if I said something hilarious.

"Although yes, I have become incredibly fond of Ms. Wood, she is not my adopted daughter. As far as legalities are concerned, it is only my late wife and I. And you said a rumor about her being a gorgon? Why that's preposterous! Sugar? Milk? Honey?"

"Ah yes, all three please. So if you don't mind me asking, how come she discovered her magic so late?" Professor Fig handed me the small tea cup and I could hear the chair directly across from me slide so he could sit down.

"Merlina's situation is not the first where the magic is shown later. It's just extremely rare. She didn't even know magic was real until... well until the night her mother died." I paused sipping my tea and set it down on the table beside the chair.

"So Merlina is a muggle-born?"

"No- She's a half-blood. From what I understand from the ministry, her mother had been... forced... to create Merlina with Merlina's father. When the MACUSA found out who Merlina's father was, they made a deal with the ministry to move them here to London. In April of last year, Merlina's mother had been attacked once more by her father but because it looked as if Merlina had no magic. Watching her mother pass, Merlina casted magic and accidentally killed her father."

"So, she's an orphan now? Just like Sebastian and Anne Sallow sir?"

"Yes, just like them. Only difference is, she doesn't have another guardian. That's why I keep a close eye on her and why she lived with me all summer." Professor Fig explained. So many things made so much more sense about Merlina now.

"Thank you for telling me Professor Fig."

"I told you so you would understand when I tell you this- leave Merlina be. You are causing her distractions she doesn't need right now. She is apart of something bigger and the last thing she needs is someone pushing her in another direction. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say Mr. Guant." Professor Fig threatened.

What did he mean Merlina was apart of something bigger? If I asked her, would she tell me? Do Poppy and Sebastian know what he means? I thought going to him would answer any questions that I had but I found myself leaving even more confused than before. The main question that was running through my mind- should I take his warning?

I will give credit where it's due! I got the idea of the Morse code conversations from a TikTok done by kooliokid__!! I just wanted to let everyone know and I will continue to use this idea in the book just because I find it super cute lol!

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