Chapter Nineteen- Rupert Bottombell

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"So... let me get this correct. You can see ancient magic and there are portraits beneath Hogwarts that are helping you tap into this power? Also a goblin has a version of this that's dark and is trying to take down wizards but only you can stop him?" Ominis repeated with each word sounding deeper in disbelief.

Poppy, Ominis, and I were in the beach vivarium. She was talking care of Highwing and I a pink fwooper I have yet to name.

"You forgot the part where Rookwood and Harlow have enlisted the help of a student to take Merlina." Poppy teased, giggling while brushing Highwing. I could see, even from a distance, all the information was running circles around Ominis' head. He was struggling to wrap it all around.

"I know it's a lot to take in Ominis. I assure you though- your speech yesterday helped me a lot so I'm going to put an end to all of this as quickly as I can and that starts with Ranrok. We need to get him under control. I'm currently waiting for the third trial to take place."

"Well if you're waiting then maybe later we can-"
Ominis started but Poppy cut him off with obnoxious fake coughing, reminding me before I could agree to anything of our plans.

Since discovering the dragon in Horntail Hall, Poppy and I have been practically living in the library to do research and see where this dragon could possibly be. Today though- we were to meet with a dragon researcher and specialist named Rupert Bottombell. I'm not sure how Poppy got him to agree to meet with us but she managed.

"I'm sorry Ominis but Poppy and I have to... do homework. We're working on a special project. Perhaps you and I could meet up tomorrow or later if there's time." Ominis being the kind soul he is nodded his head in understanding.


It wasn't too long after leaving Hogwarts that we found the spot where the fifty-year-old scholar would be. Snow started to blanket the once dirt ground and the trees covered in white. Not an inch of the lovely green in sight. Poppy was pacing back and forth, biting her fingernails in anxiousness.

"Poppy, calm down. I'm sure he'll be here soon." I assured. I was more worried about us freezing to death in the chilly air rather than him not appearing.

"What if the poachers got him first? Or even Ranrok's loyalists? Merlina- the terrible things they could do to this man who just wants to protect innocent dragons. Why, they could-" Poppy started but was interrupted by clouds of black and purple mist landing and surrounding us. One by one, poachers showed until we were completely surrounded.

"Yes! Please do give us ideas on what we can do to that Ukrainian fellow!" One of them shouted. I could see the clashed looks of sadness and anger on Poppy's face as the one who was clearly the leader spoke.

"Alright fine... you can tell us where he is or we can destroy you and the last one alive will tell us." I stated in a cocky tone, hoping they would just tell us. Of course though- I should have known better.

Rays of colors coming from wands flew by us one by one. Poppy throwing cabbages and I using various spells plus mandrakes. It wasn't until five minutes later, they were defeated and we won the battle.

"You only have Rookwood to blame." I muttered, looking over the last body as the cabbage took its last bite out of him. I turned to Poppy but she was leaning over the leader's body, pulling something out of his pocket.

"Poppy! I assure you taking gold off of a dead body is still frowned upon." I quietly whispered as if someone was around.

"No! I saw this piece of paper sticking out!" She pulled out the paper and showed it to me. On it was a map of some kind leading to a poacher camp nearby.

"Poppy! You're bloody brilliant!" We followed the map, taking twists and turns down dirt roads until we came upon the camp... with a troll already killing the remaining poachers.

Following my lead, we turned invisible and stayed on the outskirts of the camp to watch the battle. One swing from the armored troll's bat would cause a poacher to go flying. After three more swings- they were all dead.

"Oh no! There's Mr. Bottombell!" Poppy whispered, pointing at the bald, pale man with more freckles than Garreth Weasley. Although had legs thinner than a chicken, his stomach reached farther than his shirt allowed. Inside the cage with him though were a pack of unicorns, with one trying to chew on the chain of his glasses.

"I suppose I have to fight the troll. It's quite large but I think I can get it. You free the unicorns and Mr. Bottombell!" I demanded. Poppy nodded her head in agreement and we separated. Once I was in front of the troll that was at least seven feet tall, I swallowed my remaining spit and huffed out what could have possibly been my last breath.

"Hey you! Yeah you.... you dumb troll! Fight me!" I shouted, getting it's attention and keeping it away from Poppy.

It turned its giant head to me and snarled, flashing its rotten teeth. It would swing, I would dodge it's attack and use three spells on him. I couldn't tell but it seemed the poachers from before had already tired it out enough for a quick kill. Once it was down, I collected the boogeys and made my way back to Poppy and Mr. Bottombell. They were both petting the unicorns, shushing it and letting them know it's safe.

"My my! That was some amazing spell casting! I suppose you two students are Poppy and Merlina though?" Mr. Bottombell spoke, his voice higher pitched than most men. We nodded in response, smiling that he remembered both of our names.

"Ah yes well, I will admit I thought you both were quite mad telling me you wanted to confront a dragon with it's egg. Seeing you now though with that troll and what I could assume was taking down the team of poachers sent to take you prisoners, I see you are indeed quite capable. Be proud of yourselves- I know grown adults who lack the courage you two are showing. I just hope it is indeed courage and not stupidity." Mr. Bottombell stated, his nose up high as if observing us.

"Can you tell us how to find our dragon sir? We would really like to return the egg as soon as possible."

"Of course Ms. Sweeting. You're going to want to find the highest mountain with burnt rubble and possibly destroyed buildings around it. It will not be quite difficult to find luckily but if it finds out you have it's egg, you may be burned alive, seeing how it will believe you were the thieves."

After wishing us luck and saying goodbye, he left as quickly as he entered into our lives. Poppy and I began the walk back to Hogwarts, as the snow began to fall slightly harder and the wind grew colder.

"Since it's just us two, I have found that you were right. I...I think I do have feelings towards Sebastian. Do you think you could find out if he has mutual feelings towards me as well Merlina?" My jaw was practically on the ground. Poppy and Sebastian would make a perfect couple!

"Of course Poppy!"

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