Chapter Seventy-Three- Riding With Friends

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Sleeping. Oh how much I love to sleep. One could say that's where Ominis and I get along with. Five more minutes wouldn't hurt. I could feel the sun struggling the same as I waking up. Despite my eyes being shut, I could smell the rain coming in the room.

"Merlina! Get up! It's six!" Sebastian shouted, shaking me awake. Shit. In this case- it already hurt. We spent all day yesterday cleaning so we decided to wake up earlier and pack. I knew we should have packed before sleeping.

I shot up and was already buttoning his shirt with his bag packed. I waved my wand and all of the clothes from my closet began folding themselves and floating into the suit case. I stood up and stretched with Sebastian staring at me until I threw one of my loafers at him.

"Stop staring and hurry to get ready! We have an hour until the train departs!" I demanded, using accio to get my loafer back.

As quick as we both moved, we finished getting ready and packing up our bags before just like last year, we barely made it to the train station on time. We ran through the crowds of muggles until we finally reached the bricked column and ran through it just like last year. The crowds of parents and grandparents flooded the way, almost blocking us from the train. Still, we managed to get the bags where they needed to be and hop onto the train.

Walking down the tight aisle, we could hear people whispering about some new first year but truthfully, it meant nothing to me. I needed to get to my friends. Sebastian grabbed my hand so I wouldn't loose him as we continued to walk until finally reaching the Hufflepuff cart where Garreth, Poppy, and Ominis sat. Poor Ominis being an obvious third wheel. We opened the door and got each of their attention, receiving smiles from each of them.

"Congrats on the engagement you two!" I shouted, smiling and hugging Poppy.

"Engagement? You two are engaged?" Sebastian asked as he sat next to Ominis. I pulled down the door curtain so we would have privacy before taking my seat next to Poppy.

"I must have forgotten to tell you Sebastian but yes, they are. We need to talk..." I demanded, changing the group's energy. They could all tell I was serious.

"I spoke with Edward the day Sebastian came to my house. He told me everything he knows. We already knew Morgana and her father were planning something bad but Edward says pretty much everyone from the Sacred Twenty-Eight is in on it and that someone is controlling it all. He suspected it was originally Ominis' father but now thinks it's Headmaster Black." I informed. I glanced at each of them and the only one to seem to have a readable reaction was Garreth. He was shocked beyond him mind, jaw dragging onto the ground.

"I hadn't told him of anything yet..." Poppy whispered.

"Well Garreth and Ominis are clearly not in on it so we need to find out who is. Did Edward know of anyone specifically?" Sebastian asked, clearly uninterested in explaining anything else to Garreth.

"All he mentioned was Morgana and that one of the teacher's is the one in charge of it all. They're starting a war that will affect everyone not of pure blood. We need to put an end to it as quickly as possible." I responded. We sat in silence for a moment, thinking over my words on how to find out how to prevent it. What Aruna Potter showed me appeared in my head once more with her words repeating. The Great Hall was covered in blood and...

"Are there any swamps around Hogwarts?" I asked, glancing up.

"No... but perhaps there may be one in the Forbidden Forest. I can always ask the centaurs when we return to school." Poppy offered. "Why though?"

"Is this about what Aruna Potter predicted? What did she show you Merlina?" Sebastian asked before I could answer.

"Sebastian dragged me along to meet Aruna Potter a week ago. She showed me two things that I feel are important. First was the Great Hall and everyone dead. When I say everyone- I mean everyone. It was covered in blood. Second was a swamp and looking back... I think I saw a house in the middle of it. I think that house is important." I admitted, looking upon all of the faces of my friends.

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