Chapter Eighty- Hide and Seek (Ominis POV)

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Although she insisted I didn't have to, I still stood outside to walk Merlina to Professor Sharp's classroom. It was Saturday which meant, as Sebastian worded it, Operation Split was going into affect today. I leaned against one of the barrels outside of the Hufflepuff common room and although couldn't see them, Garreth and Sebastian's voice were coming this way. They were speaking about Poppy.

"I know you two weren't together long but do you ever have-"

"No Weasley! Truthfully, I only dated her because Merlina asked me to. I know it's shitty but I just wanted to make Merlina happy."

Make Merlina happy? She would be happy if she never saw his face again. Even if she doesn't realise it. I know how she feels between us and why she struggles so much to choose which of us she truly wants. I'm safe and he's dangerous. I'm blind but no fool. He doesn't care about her happiness as much as he pretends he does. He cares about his own. Just as Sebastian and Garreth stopped beside me, the Hufflepuff door and from my guesses, both Poppy and Merlina got out.

"Why are you all here? It's early morning. You all should be sleeping." Merlina scolded like a mother.

"I wanted to walk you to Professor Sharp's classroom." Both Sebastian and I said in unison. I could tell he was glaring but I didn't care.

"Both of you can't. It's very sweet but we each have our missions. Ominis! We're leaving now."

I couldn't even argue with Poppy since I could feel her grab the back of my robe and already dragging me off. For someone I imagine so small and tiny, she was stupid strong. No matter how many times I pleaded with her to let go and to stop pulling me, she wouldn't until we were in the Defense Against the Dark Arts corridor. I only knew because the flooring here is smoother than anywhere else in the castle.

"We're here. Now, do we want to drink an invisibility potion or actually hide?" Poppy asked, finally letting go of me.

"Actual hiding is probably best but I'm not sure where we'll fit." I admitted. I didn't need vision to know I was the tallest out of everyone. "Let's get inside and try to find one."

I heard her open the door and dragged me into it. I couldn't see anything but she was thinking so hard, I could almost hear her thoughts.

"Aha! Oldest trick in the book! Get under the table!"

"What? Poppy-!" I began arguing but from a distance, teacher's voices could be heard. I didn't bother to argue with her anymore and as best as I could, crawled beneath it. She conjured a table cloth over it and closed the door before running into a cupboard and hid.

It wasn't long before the staff opened the door and their voices blurred over one another. All but Professor Sharp. They took their seats along the table and as best as I could, I tried not to move or breathe loudly. I could feel shoes near me on the rug but luckily still no touching. Soon, the door opened and closed once more before the room fell silent. I wish I was in the cupboard with Poppy. At least I wouldn't be caught quicker than this.

"Very well, let's start this meeting. Do we have any news on the missing students?" Headmaster Black asked, taking a seat at the front of the table.

Missing students? Is this what Professor Sharp didn't want us knowing yet? What he wanted to tell us after getting information from Harlow?

"No sir... how do ten students go missing in a month?" Professor Ronen asked as if disappointed in himself.

"Do we know they're missing now? Are we sure they haven't run off back home?" Professor Garlick spoke softly, as if naive.

"Yes we are sure. We have informed the parents and are trying to get ahold of the Ministry to send an auror here." Professor Weasley informed.

The students are going missing while on campus? This is so unheard of. The barrier is supposed to protect the students from anything getting in or out of the castle. Perhaps this is the Puppeteer pulling strings to get them escorted safely and without suspicion.

"You are all dismissing the very fact that one staff member is not here and is currently taking a student off campus. Are we sure we can trust Professor Sharp?" Professor Chang asked bluntly.

"Professor Sharp? No that's nonsense. Him and Ms. Wood are doing Ministry work and with an auror in training by their side for extra precaution." Headmaster Black dismissed.

"I want to try and get to the bottom of this before word gets around school. The students have an underground club they don't think I know of called Crossed Wands. I would like to make it a mandatory thing for every student to do. We'll divide them by house and train them the way Professor Sharp has with Ms. Wood and her friends." Professor Hecate demanded rather than requested.

"I would like to help with the club if you don't mind. We can do Hufflepuff and Slytherin and then Gryffindor and Ravenclaw." Professor Weasley offered.

I may not like Professor Weasley as a teacher since she's about as entertaining as Professor Binns but one thing no one can argue is how much she cares for the students. All of fifth year, she tried her hardest to keep us safe. Did we ignore her advice? Of course but it was nice knowing someone cared enough about our safety.

"Very well Professor Hecate. You, Professor Weasley, Professor Sharp, and-"

"I will like to offer my services as well. I know I don't have auror or curse breaker in my sleeve but I do have other tricks." Professor Chang interrupted Headmaster Black.

"Very well. There's your team. Every night, you will have a year at your disposal. Now, onto other matters at hand."

Headmaster Black and the rest of the staff began discussing other matters involving the school but none of it was as important as the missing students. Who were they and where had they gone? Once the meeting room had cleared out after what felt like hours of waiting, Poppy finally gave the signal it was clear and we were able to leave the room.

"Poppy, before we join Sebastian and Garreth, can I ask you something and keep it between us?"

"It's about Merlina, isn't it?" She asked in defeat. I nodded my head and earned a sigh in response. "Go ahead."

"Does she... does she have a preference between Sebastian and I?"

"Truthfully, I believe she does. I don't want to give an answer in case I'm wrong but I want you to know I'm on team Ominis. You treat her the way she actually deserves to be treated and Sebastian... well, not to speak foul of him but he treats her the way she thinks she should be treated. Now onto important matters- do we tell the others about the missing students?"

"Yes... but let's wait until everyone is back. For now, let's search for Sebastian and Garreth." The students going missing could be quite a large problem. Not for me, as a pureblood, but for others. One could only hope Professor Sharp and Merlina learn of something of value from Harlow.

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