Chapter Twenty-One- The Relic

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Since the library, news had gone around school of Poppy and Sebastian's relationship. Rumors of shared butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks, close study sessions in the courtyards, and even them ditching classes to go to the forbidden forest. Only thing is- I knew they weren't rumors and in fact truths.

Poppy would tell me all about her adventures with him from him showing her he could throw peanuts in his mouth to her showing him up close how puffskins can hide in trees when they're scared. They were perfect for each other and even more perfect that they distracted one another long enough for Ominis and I to "third wheel" but not really.

Today though, Sebastian had asked a portrait to tell only me where to meet- a random tomb on the outskirts of Feldcroft. I began to walk towards him but started to get a feeling that would twist and turn deep in the pits of my stomach.

"Hello love. I'm glad to see you got my owl." Sebastian stated, smirking.

"Sebastian why did you want to meet me here? This place gives me the keeps." I informed, crossing my arms not from the cold air nipping at me but for the uncomfortable feeling.

"I believe one of Slytherin's students stumbled across the relic here. From what I've read about the report, they weren't permitted to take it so one could only assume it's still here. As I told you a few days ago, it grants people the chance to reverse dark magic curses. If it's here Merlina, I need to find it... for Anne."

"Very well Sebastian but if we have to cast dark magic, we need to leave it alone."

"Very well. You know, you're just as bad as Ominis sometimes. Speaking of which, did you tell him what we were doing?"

"No I didn't but honestly, I'm starting to regret not telling him. Did you tell Poppy?"

"Why would I tell her?" Sebastian asked. Before I could answer, he began running into the tomb without a single care in his bone.

"Sebastian! Wait!" I shouted after him, trying to keep up with whatever inhuman speed he managed to obtain within a few seconds. That was until he abruptly stopped in the middle of a stone walkway. Pointing upward, I quietly casted revelio and could see at least five large spiders.

With a simple nod, we fought wave after wave until they were all gone and solving puzzle after puzzle until we reached a corridor with a stone table full of human bones placed directly in the middle and a door with two poles on either side of it.

"Looks like some kind of puzzle." I stated the obvious, pointing to the bones on the table with one hand and the door with the other.

"The student's summary references another room which means this can't be a dead end. Only thing is, it also mentioned using the imperious curse. Let me think and see if we missed anything while you solve the bone puzzle." Sebastian instructed.

I nodded my head in compliance and did as he instructed, placing the bones ever so carefully on the poles until an arch filled with human remains forced the door open. This continued until another corridor where Sebastian stopped me to actually talk.

"I read the diary more and it did mention the imperious curse. I wouldn't be surprised if we needed it like how we did with crucio so this time, I'll give you a warning and the option to learn it. It wasn't fair of me to do what I did last time." Sebastian explained but I was completely flabbergasted.

"When did you learn that curse?" I asked, taking a few steps backwards.

"I taught myself after we found the spellbook but do not tell Ominis please. It's not exactly something I can brag about but it may come in handy- especially in your situation. I think you ought to know it love."

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