Chapter Twenty-Five- Clouded Eyes

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After receiving Sebastian's owl, I wasn't in too much of a rush to get to him. Sure, he found the second piece of Isadora's painting but telling Ominis about him kissing me was a low blow. Seeing him stand there, leaning against the stone wall, I almost had the nerve to punch him or cast a spell on him.

"I'm here Sebastian." I announced, already slightly annoyed by it all. He turned to me and smiled, reaching to go for a hug before I took steps back. "Why did you tell Ominis about you kissing me?"

"Well because I thought he should know love. And before you go off about Poppy again, I broke up with her. That's not important right now though. I had been so preoccupied with everything going on, I almost forgot about the triptych. This is the view on the left of the canvas." Sebastian stated, presenting the area around us with his arms stretched out.

"While I was waiting for you, I scouted the area and there are a few loyalists up ahead. I have no idea if it goes along with the triptych but I wouldn't doubt if that was why, like with Isadora's home and Rookwood Castle."

"Thank you Sebastian. Shall we go then?" He agreed and we began the walk up the train tracks that have probably not been used in hundreds of years. Each camp full of goblins were passed with ease, as they hadn't seen us and we were able to sneak past them quickly.

We entered the overlook mine and it would appear that every step we took, more goblins and spiders would come out and attack us. More and more puzzles came across our path until the end of the line- a dead end with old junk all over the place. Empty jars and stacks of old books were placed everywhere along with dirty tea cups.

On the table directly in the middle of the room, besides the dust and rats that scurried away, was a journal entry written by Isadora herself.

"What do you have there?" Sebastian asked, his hot breath hitting my neck as he yanked the paper out of my hand to examine it himself.

"It looks like a journal entry from Isadora." I answered, taking a few steps away from him to look at the shelves littered with clutter.

"Well we can be thankful that our efforts weren't in vain but still... there's something off about this place and everything in it. Why did she create this place if she was using the undercroft and the cellar in Feldcroft?"

"Isadora and Percival Rackham- another Keeper- could see traces of magic but they didn't agree on how to use it." I explained, sighing and sitting on the dusty table. Sebastian made his way to me, using my legs as a resting place for his arms while he tapped his finger against his chin.

"This is all rather baffling. Perhaps we should go back to the undercroft and take the canvas back to the triptych. Perhaps our questions can be answered somehow." Sebastian suggested, removing his arms and offering his hand for me to hop down. All though I didn't necessarily need it, I still accepted, knowing he was just trying to be polite.

It didn't take me long before I could find the wall that would lead us back to the undercroft. What I hadn't expected was Ominis sitting on the floor with his back pressed to a stack of empty crates, sleeping and lightly snoring the day away. As quietly and quickly as I could, I removed my robe and placed it on him, acting as a blanket and placed a small peck on his forehead. Even though I wasn't making direct eye contact with him, I could feel Sebastian's annoyance as he rushed me to place the canvas back in.

"Well we've got good and bad news. I know the place but it's down south where Ranrok's loyalists have taken over. Should we go now?" Sebastian asked, eager to continue our mission. I glanced over at Ominis sleeping cozy, unable to hide the small smile from admiring him.

"We should wait. All this time, we've been a step behind Ranrok. I'm waiting on someone to help us finally be a step ahead."

"And who is that?"

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