Chapter Five- Jealousy

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I took my seat in Charms and was apparently the first student in the classroom. I went to grab my textbook from my bag when on either side of me, one seat had been claimed by Sebastian and the other Ominis.

"Hello love. Ominis said you almost had another encounter with an evil mustache-man." Sebastian stated, resting his chin upon the palm of his hand. I rolled my eyes and turned them to Ominis, who was grinning like he knew he would be in trouble, despite not being able to see me.

"Ominis! Why did you tell him?"

"I was worried you would be in danger and wanted to know more about the situation." Ominis explained with a slightly smaller smile. A smile I couldn't even dare to be upset with. I wanted to continue scolding him but taking the last available seat, Lavina had no choice but to sit next to him. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, but still sat down.

"Alright class, you will be perfecting the color changing charm! You will be partnering in groups of two and the goal is to only change hair color," Professor Ronan explained "We will be learning both how to do it and the reversal charm. Starting with the first row, Lavina can work with Ominis. Merlina and Sebastian, Poppy and..."

Sebastian turned to me with a smirk and tapping his chin, we if already thinking of what monstrous color he could make my hair. I couldn't help but laugh, pushing his hand away from his chin when I felt Ominis lean closer to me.

"Don't have too much fun. I might get jealous and force you to work with Ms. Royalty over here." Ominis whispered in my ear. His breath was hot and lingered onto my neck. In the pits of my stomach, a fluttering feeling of sorts grew and bounced around. I glanced at him and he was smiling, pressing his knuckles against his bottom lip as it trying to block me from seeing.

"Ms. Wood, are you listening to me?" Professor Ronan called out, putting everyone's gaze onto me and my blushed face.

"Yes sir."

We both knew I was lying but he didn't bother to test me on my knowledge. The class was spent repeating colovaria with people's hair turning as yellow as a bee, green like spring leaves, and in my case, purple like the Scottish Primrose flowers that were apparently Sebastian's favorite. All of it was interrupted though with a screech that was ear-drum shattering. Everyone turned to the corner of the classroom to witness what some may call a miracle- Lavina's entire body, head to toe, was now as yellow as a ripe lemon.

"Ugh you blind idiot! You turned me yellow!"

"Wasn't that the point of this lesson?"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud along with the rest of the class but she darted her eyes directly at me, as if it was my fault somehow. Stomping high like a horse, she made her way to me with her perfect nose and forehead pressed against mine.

"You did this! You took away MY Sebastian and now you had HIM turn me into a lemon!" Her Sebastian? I turned to him and he just rubbed his neck awkwardly and tried to avoid all eye contact. Without any resistance for composure really, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Here, let me help you Lavina. Colovaria!" With the swish of my wand, her once perfect blonde hair was now bright green. "Everyone knows green goes excellent with yellow. Now you can say someone changed your hair color for you."

She stormed off in a fuss, probably to run into the nearest girl's bathroom to hide until the charm wore off. While she ran, covering her face, the entire class laughed and Professor Ronan chased after her. Now, I would usually feel bad for the person in her shoes but I couldn't feel anything be glorious watching her suffer the same way she made other's suffer.

"So when were you and Lavina together?" I asked Sebastian, who was sitting on the table behind us.

"We actually broke up about five minutes before I took you to Hogsmeade but were not even together. She was flirting with me and I just allowed it to happen." I rolled my eyes and smiled once more. Typical Sebastian- the player of all kinds. Ominis was smiling though and standing alone in a corner so we joined him.

"Your wand is basically sentient Ominis. How did you miss her hair?" Sebastian asked, sitting on top of the table.

"Who said my goal was her hair? She had her goons come after me and take my wand a week ago. If it wasn't for Merlina, who knows what would have happened. While we're talking about hair though- what color is mine?"

"Blue. You actually look dashing with it." I responded, running my hands through his slicked back hair.

"And Sebastian's?"

"She made it the girliest pink she could think of." He mumbled, crossing his arms in irritation. We all laughed as hard as we could.

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