Chapter Sixty- Brave Godric

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With all the extra training Professor Sharp has done with me this past month and Poppy giving me three of her new cabbages, nothing was going to stop me from this new competition. Poppy stood by my side as I glanced up at the doors for the Great Hall. I couldn't help but wonder whether we would have to go into one of those underground tournaments I fought in last year or just hunt down random poachers. Clearly, I was fine with either.

"I wonder if Headmaster Black has some extravagant thing planned for the challenge." Poppy stated, as if reading my mind.

"Well... whatever it may be, I'm prepared to face it head on." I responded.

We pushed open the doors and the Hufflepuff table erupted into shouts and cheers. Three random first year girls had painted my name on a blanket and held it up. I suppose it didn't matter to them Professor Garlick was already writing them detention forms. As we walked down the table, I could see that despite our differences as of now, Sebastian was still sitting at the end and Ominis by his side with a smile.

Poppy took her seat next to them and I could see only Albion and Hugh were left. Edward stood with a small smile next to the podium, waving at me to come join him. I'm sure the sight of seeing me and her brother talking boiled Morgana's blood but to be truthful, I didn't really care. Hugh and Albion entered the doors together, both looking furious as they stomped up to join Edward and I.

"Students! Today we-"

In through the doors that Albion and Hugh left open came the school librarian, running and screaming, interrupting Headmaster Black. She had clothes slightly torn and looked as if she had just gotten out of bed with a troll.

"Cressida Blume had conjured Infernius in the library!" She exclaimed before passing out at my feet in a dramatic effect. I didn't care for the competition any longer. My friends and the school were in danger once more. As fast as I could, I ran directly towards the library and could hear Edward not too far off behind me.

Luckily I knew shortcuts to the library or it would have taken longer than anything. Edward and I bursted through the doors to see only Cressida on a table with her wand sparking, surrounded by at least fifty Infernius on the first floor and twenty more upstairs. Damn Cressida... always causing problems in here for me to clean up. Behind us came both Albion and Hugh came with Professor Sharp, Professor Weasley, and Headmaster Black entering through the other doors.

"Albion!! You and Edward go upstairs with Headmaster Black! The rest of us will stay down here! Hugh, try to protect Cressida!" I shouted out. No obligations were heard from anyone before they ran off to their separate locations.

One by one, Infernius started to go down but they weren't going down easy. How could Cressida have conjured such things? Flashbacks of Sebastian from last year took control of my mind as I continued to battle them. It was strikingly similar to this battle but it was impossible. The relic was destroyed by Solomon and the book by Anne. Were there other ways to conjure them besides using that book and the relic?

I glanced at the book below her feet titled Secrets of the Darkest Arts. I knew for a fact that was in the Restricted Section so how did she get access to it? The librarian and every staff member would not give her those permissions with her track record. That was even looking over the obvious fact that she's reading a book on Dark Arts. Hugh was standing on the table by her, trying to get her to leave but she was refusing. Why was she putting up such a fight unless... oh Merlin's beard. Did she do it on purpose?

It came down to only 5 Inferni left- 3 upstairs and 2 downstairs. Professor Weasley took care of one and the other was coming my way. Casting confringo, a sight I hadn't realized I would see so soon became a reality. As if watching it happen in slow motion, Cressida's arms blocked the spell from hitting the Infernius. Luckily Sharp was behind it and made it hit the final blow but it was too late for Cressida. The flesh on her arms were already sizzling away as she screamed in agony. This is what the future version of her meant when she blamed it on me. I did it.

As Cressida laid on the ground crying from pain, Professor Weasley and Sharp were already trying to tend to her wounds. I tried to get the words out to apologize but they never went louder than a whisper.

"Headmaster... perhaps you may want to take a look at this." Hugh shouted, holding the book high to grab everyone's attention. Albion was the only one to not have a reaction but the staff was clearly furious.

"We will talk about this later Ms. Blume but first, Weasley, take her to the hospital wing. As for you four... you showed Godric's bravery today by helping with the library. I can say this was a lot better than what I had originally planned. 500 points go to each of your houses but Hufflepuff, who gets 1000 due to Ms. Wood taking lead and being the first to come help. You did well Merlina. Now if you excuse me, I have to get expulsion papers ready." Headmaster Black informed while snatching the book out of Hugh's hand and placing it under his arm.

Headmaster Black, Professor Weasley, Professor Sharp, and Cressida all apparated from the library and to I could assume the hospital wing. All four contestants were left behind and to look at the damage caused.

"I suppose this means the last challenge is Ravenclaw... suppose it will be a puzzle or something." Edward commented out loud, making his way to stand next to me.

"I can't believe I burnt her arms..." I admitted in a hushed tone.

"Merlina, it wasn't your fault and don't start to think that. Evil deserves consequences. Even if it kills me to admit it, you did good. You deserve those extra 500 points. I'll see you all next competition." Hugh stated with a single pat on my back and left.

"Yeah see you two. I'll kick both of your asses. Just wait and see." Albion threatened, spitting at the ground and taking off as well.

I couldn't even look Edward in the face. They can say those words now but I know what Cressida is going to become. I've seen it with my own two eyes. Whether she already hates me or develops the taste for it later on- well that was another tale.


It was long past curfew but I didn't care whether I would get detention or not. The full moon held high in the sky and the stars shined ever so brightly. The Viaduct Courtyard was as silent as can be with crickets being the only sound heard for miles. I sat along on the low wall, pulling my knees in closer to me and just inhaling the air as deep as I could.

"Merlina? I was wondering if we could talk?" I didn't respond to Sebastian's request or even acknowledge he was there. He still took the seat across from me and let me enjoy the silence a few moments longer. "I heard what happened today. You couldn't have done-"

"I could have not done the spell. Sebastian, I understand you're trying to help but it's not working. I've seen things you haven't and you don't understand how much that one action I did today impacted her life." I spat out. Once I realized my tone, I slammed my hand over my mouth and apologized to him.

"You may be right but with the one person who did get hurt, you saved thousands more. I know I haven't been a good person to you as of late. If I'm being truthful- I took my jealousy out on you and I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve a second chance- and I'm not asking for one. I'm asking for a third chance to be by your side in however way you want me to be."

"Thank you Sebastian. I'd really love that."

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