Chapter Fifty-Three- A Dancing Duel

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"Ominis, do you need help?" I asked him, trying my best not to laugh as he kept waving his wand at the silver goblet in front of him. We both took NEWT level Transfiguration together and I'm pretty sure he must have cheated off of my OWL's somehow because he seems to be utter rubbish.

The task given to us was to turn the goblet into a tankard. He had done almost every other kitchen item except a tankard. Silverware, plates, bowls. He sighed and gripped his wand tightly before doing it all over again- this time turning it into a cutting board.

"I give up. Sentient wand my ass..." he muttered, throwing his wand on the table in annoyance.

"You will get there Ominis. And if not, I can try to find time to help you."

Catching every student's attention, the door of the classroom swung open and there stood Professor Garlick as kind and gentle as one can stand. Her usual side braids that dangled down to her hip were now in a braided bun that was as thick as rope on the back of her head and wore no hat surprisingly. She glanced around the classroom before locking eyes with me and smiling. Clearing her throat of whatever may have been stuck, she almost skipped with every step she took towards Professor Weasley. Every student watched them both whispering and nodding multiple times before they both finally turned their heads to me once more.

"Ms. Wood. It would appear you have been excused from class from Headmaster Black due to something to prepare for the ball. Please follow Professor Garlick here."

After saying goodbye to Ominis, I awkwardly stood and began my walk around the table and to the door with Professor Garlick close behind. Even during winter, with snow thickening the ground and covering every bit of nature, she managed to smell like a fresh spring garden. I'm convinced at this point it's just her natural scent. We left the classroom and had walked five steps away before she stopped us to talk.

"And who will be attending the ball with you Merlina?"

"Oh uh- Sebastian Sallow. I believe he's in Potions right now. What preparations are we supposed to be doing for the ball if you don't mind me asking?" I asked as we began the walk to Professor Sharp's classroom.

"Why of course not! The four contestants will start the ball off by dancing with their partners. Edward and Albion are already in the Great Hall waiting for us. Headmaster Black asked Professor  Shah to find Hugh and his date while I was sent for you and now Sebastian Sallow. Great choice by the way."

"Thank you Professor Garlick." I thanked with a smile on my face.

We continued to do small talk while making our way to Potions. It didn't take very long before we approached the group of students outside the hall coughing hard and Sebastian being yelled at by Professor Sharp. I had never seen him so angry, as his cane was shaking more than his finger was at Sebastian.

"You're fortunate that Garrotting Gas potion wasn't strong Mr. Sallow. You could have killed every student here! Detention for a whole week. You'll be scrubbing every single damn pot in that classroom and-"

"Professor Sharp? Headmaster Black has excused Sebastian Sallow from his classes for a day." Professor Garlick interrupted. Professor Sharp didn't even bother to look at us but just sigh.

"Can he be back here by six?"

"Yes Professor Sharp. But perhaps you're being too harsh? It is just-"

"Take him and leave Professor Garlick. I am in no mood for your youthful mindfulness right now."

Sebastian turned to me and smiled, wiping off fake sweat from his brow. Wait until he found out just what we were pulling him into. He jogged over to us and the journey to the Great Hall was made. The room was empty- not even the tables, and quite larger than it already was.

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