Chapter Seventy-Nine- Professor Chang

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As much as I tried to avoid it, Professor Weasley felt I should take Magical Theory this year. Luckily, it was with Ominis so I was able to try and relax a little more. Once we entered the classroom, memories of fifth year hit me as hard as stones against the skull. One after another. Professor Fig's once cluttered yet organised classroom didn't even look as how he left it. It was now filled with various golden statues and large red balloons that hung from the ceiling. Even from the ceiling, a fake dragon swirled around like it was the Great Hall.

"Hello seventh years and welcome to Magical Theory. Please, take your seats and pull out your parchment and something to write with. You will not need your wands in this class." Professor Chang instructed.

Ominis and I took our seats in the back of the classroom, trying to put as much distance between Professor Chang and us. The once wooden chairs now had cushions on the bottom of the sea and an orb directly in the middle of the table. Even without looking, I could feel her eyes resting on us as if she was already expecting me to act out. The urge to breathe was coming upon me despite feeling like I was drowning.

"How are you doing?" Ominis asked while subtly holding my hand. One I felt his fingertips along mine, all feelings of being nervous fleeted from me until I saw who did sit in the front of the class.

"Morgana and Leander are here." I informed him quietly instead of responding to his question.

"Perhaps Professor Weasley also made them take the course?"

No... no that couldn't be. It would be more likely that Professor Chang is working with Morgana. Professor Sharp didn't trust her and I'm willing to bet he suspects her as well. Just in that moment, Morgana spun around and smiled while waving her fingers at me. Was she mocking me? Trying to taunt me?

"Alright students- lets go over the Principle of Artificianimate Quasi-Dominance or more commonly, the danger of conjuring animals." Professor Chang informed.

Throughout the entire lesson, no matter how subtle they tried to be, I could see both her and Leander glancing at us and her eyes glance at Professor Chang. Not in the way of focusing on what she was teaching but as something else. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Ominis could feel me staring from time to time, tapping against the table like I could understand the morse code him and Sebastian would use. Still- I was more than thankful because it would bring me back to reality. Once class had ended and all the students flocked away, Professor Chang stopped me from exiting her classroom. She smiled and although I felt nervous, I tried to smile back at her.

"I was hoping you could join me for tea." She requested, pointing upward to the office.

As much as every nerve told me to run, I swallowed my spit and nodded my head. Her 'hoping' sounded more demanding anyway. I followed her up the walkway between tables and up the stone steps until she pushed the door open. I felt as if I had just stepped into China with the books floating in the air and seeing dark wooden furniture. Vases of various designs lined the walls where Professor Fig would keep his books. The fireplace behind was lit despite it being summer. Resting on the table already was a tray with tea and cookies.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you actually from China?" I had asked, glancing around at all of the trinkets.

"Yes although I moved to England when I was a little girl. Tea?" Professor Chang offered.

"No thank you. To be rather blunt, why did you want me here Professor Chang?"

"Straight to the point, aren't you? Very well although I must insist on the tea. It's quite delicious." Professor Chang spoke while handing me a tea cup. "I hear you and Professor Fig were quite close. I wanted to see how being here was for you."

"Yes... yes you can say we were close. He's the person that saved me in a sense. As strange as it sounds, I saw him as a sort of father figure despite not knowing him for very long." I admitted.

"You know Ms. Wood, I am here whenever you need me. I may not be Professor Fig but I can assure you that your word is always kept secret here. Cheers?" She asked, raising the tea cup. I raised mine as well and watched as she sipped onto hers without slurping.

"Thank you Professor Chang but I must get going now. I have Professor Weasley next and I know she will be quite upset with me if I don't make it on time. Have a good day."

I got up and set the full tea cup down on the table before leaving. Despite my back being turned to her, her eyes were still glued to me until I shut the door. Despite breathing the entire time, the exhale I let out felt like the first breath after holding it for hours. Why was she so adamant on me sipping the tea? Shaking it off and ignoring it, I just continued on my way out of the class.


It was now the end of the day and although I knew what Professor Sharp demanded, I was still out past curfew. For once, I didn't mean to be. It had just happened. I suppose when studying in solitude, you get lost in time. Miriam's journals still spoke only of theories on how much more my ancient magic could achieve. It was time to speak to Professor Sharp on the matter. Swinging the door open, one could only understand how relieved I was to see his grumpy face behind a barely lit candle.

"Merlina Wood! What part of my-?"

"Professor Sharp wait! I have a question about potions and want to see if you can make sense of it!" I interrupted, quickly walking to him. There I dropped the leather bound book filled with scribbles and drawings. "Professor Fig's wife studied the theory on ancient magic before she died as you know. I found her journals and in this one, she says that ancient magic can be used to further a potion's potential. Is that true?"

Professor Sharp grabbed the book and began flipping through the pages but stopping at one. I could see him look deeper into the words, as if trying to study the ink itself. A small but unsubtle smile crept upon his face.

"It's a strong theory. It states that just as you said, it could further the potential of the potion. Why are you so curious on the matter though? You are in perfect health unless you want to remain invisible for months or some sort."

"No... sir I want to see if I can help Ominis gain sight."

"Well, as selfish as this sounds, I would like to offer myself on this theory before we get Mr. Gaunt's hopes high. It might be easier to mend something that once worked rather than start from scratch. At least at that point, we can use what we learn off of me to Ominis. Very well Ms. Wood."

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