Chapter 3

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*August PoV*

Cold... that's the feeling I felt while staring at the abyss, it's a terrifying feeling, falling in the endless void, awaiting the sweet release of death to take you.

I'm currently walking at the village, smiles and laughter fills the air, as people go on their day to day life, my father plowing the fields with the help of my brother, my mother watching as she carries my infant sister who's fast asleep, and then there's me, playing under the shade of a tree. All was fine.

Then in the blink of an eye, everything went red, blood, fire, and death assaulted my senses, then the face of an Orc, the face of my family's murderer, is all that I can see.

"AHHHHH!!!" I scream, my eyes snapping awake, cold sweat dripping out my body, it was all a dream. please let it all be a dream.

I look around, hoping to see where I'm currently at, hoping that everything that I saw and feel was only a dream, yet as I did all O see is an unfamiliar place, no sign of my family whatsoever, and an unfamiliar face looking at me.

I sit up, or at least try to but the person who's watching me stopped me from doing so. "don't do anything kid, try to stay still." she said as she examined me.

"who are you? where am I? where's papa?" I asked as I looked at her.

"slow down kid, you're hurt pretty bad."

I look at her as I try to remember the event that took place, my mind groggy and slow, yet slowly it became clear.

"hey miss, I'm dreaming right? it was all a dream right?" I ask desperately, tears building up in my eyes.

She looks down, as her hand moves to hold mine, she gripes it tight and firm. "Kid.... I'm sorry."

"no no no no NOOOOO!!!!" I scream, my emotions burst out, laughing and crying, tears started falling with no signs of stopping. "you're lying,  Hahahaha that's right, it's a joke, my papa is such a prankster. it's a joke right."


"Miss please..."

"Kid, your village was raided by monsters, you're one of the few survivors. We found you below a man, a former adventurer companion of mine, his name is Siegfried Kaiser..."

at the mention of my father's name, everything went numb, I didn't hear anything she was saying anymore, everything went blank, all I could see was the event that transpired.

My brother, decapitated, his flesh ravaged by the monsters, my infant sister, who was only a few months old, her head crushed like a grape, then she was torn limb from limb by the goblins, and kabolds, my mother, stab multiple times infront of my eyes, gored and mutilated, and my father, who I looked up too, trying his hardest to fight off the evil that invaded our home, he who died, protecting me, who died infront of me as he took the axe that was ment for me. Everything returned to me, bursting like a dam.

"uahgggggg" I vomited, no food was in my system, yet as I remembered the things that happened my body responded as such. it tasted bitter, fluid, with a speck of blood.

"Kid hold on, here have some water." she said as she took the cup from the table and filled it with water from her canteen. "drink it kid."

I took it, my hand shaking, no strength at all, I almost dropped it, but she caught my hand and helped me drink the water that tasted so sweet, maybe because of the thirst.

"you fine now kid?" she asked, looking at me worryingly. "may I know your name, maybe the other survivors know you, maybe your folks survived we ca-."

"They're dead." I cut her off, there was no point in asking the other survivors, after all, for all my life all I've known are my family, my parents and siblings.

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