Chapter 106

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-17th floor, Wall of grief.

Denki and the rescue party stopped at the familiar entrance, they stared at the wall of grief without any ounce of fear. For Denki, Helga, Ryuu, and Asfi, the Goliath was little more than an inconvenience, especially with them fighting it together.

Not to mention the other members of the rescue team, Lysander, Eira, and Bors. All having experience of facing and killing the monster rex.

The only weak link in their group are the trio from the Takemikazuchi familia, who for the first time, had ever laid eyes on the wall of grief. As well as the gods, Hestia, and Hermes, who are practically useless when it came to a fight.

"So what's the plan here? We can't really fight that thing. Not the Lady Hestia, and Lord Hermes around." Bors raised the question that's on everyone's mind.

Denki bit his thumb nail as his brain starts to formulate a plan. 'We could stall... The six of us could hold it down, while Ouka, Mikoto, and Chugasa, escorts the two gods down the safe zone... We could also rush forward, prioritizing speed to outrun it... But the gods wouldn't be able to keep up...'

Helga watched Denki as he racked his brain, for her this is where Denki is the best at, while she specialized in the on-the-spot decision making, Denki excelled at strategizing and planning their moves. He always looks at a different angle, and always comes up with a sound plan if given enough time.

'He sure has grown a lot.' she thought to herself. While the young samurai was still green, he had proven himself capable, and shown qualities a leader possesses.

Asfi as well had a serious look on her face, she too realized, that with the gods here, their movement would be limited.

Right now, the two of them are the best strategists in the group, one born out of necessity, while other was molded with experience.

Ryuu, a level 4 as well, doesn't excel in this sort of skill, she was more like Helga, able to make decisions on the fly, and is a keen practitioner of the "In the moment" approach.

"I have a plan..." Denki spoke up, as he took his knife and kneeled on the ground. He started drawing the makings of his plan. "There's two option, and I would like to have your opinions on it." he faced the group with a serious look.

"Option one is for Me, Helga, miss Asfi, miss Ryuu, and the rest of Heracles familia to stall Goliath" He draws a huge circle, with seven "X" circling around it. He then pointed towards Ouka. "While the rest of you will run and escort the gods down the 18th floor." he then drew three squares forming a triangle formation outside two small circles.

"The problem with this plan is that we have to time it right. If the stalling team is a bit late, or if the escort team is a bit early." He continued as he draw the big circle braking the encirclement of "X" "The Goliath will break free as it's aggro would probably target the gods. We have enough proof that the monsters here go crazy if they sense divinity."

Asfi also kneeled down, looking at the plan seriously, her right hand covering her mouth as she thinks deeply. "What's the second option?" she asked.

"The second option is simple, yet more risky... We run for it, with you and miss Ryuu, carrying the two goddess as you two are probably the fastest out of all of us here." Denki answered, he then sighed. "But with no one stalling the rex, there's a risk that it may catch up. And with the gods literally in your hands, you two wouldn't be able to defend the incoming blow. Helga and I are the only level 3 here, we might be able to manage and take 1 blow, but the rest of us would die in one hit."

Asfi contemplated, she then looked at Denki and asked. "Why me and Ryuu? Couldn't you and Helga carry them instead? The two of us are better equipped of defending against the blows."

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