Chapter 11

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*August PoV*

I woke up early in the morning as I stretched my body that's been aching from yesterday's events.

The outside was noisy as the adventurers prepared to leave and continue the journey back to Orario.

Inside the temporary medical ward I found that I was the only one left here, they must have all woken up and started their day.

I got up from bed and fixed myself before heading out.

I can hear the sound of people arguing outside, I moved slowly trying to listen in, making sure that I hid out of their sight first.

"What do you mean you're taking him?" I heard miss Shakti speaking, her voice raised as others mainly members of Ganesha familia gave their approval.

"Is it exactly as I say, I'm taking the boy, he will not be going to Orario with you and the others." Heracles answered calmly.

"Bullshit, his father is a part of my familia, even his weapon was given by Ganesha himself. I'm thankful to you for giving him falna and descending down to come to our aid, but August will come to Orario and join Ganesha's familia."

"But he isn't a member of your familia is he? He is part of mine, and I can guide the boy into a better warrior than what you and your familia can."

"A better killer you mean." Shakti took a deep breath and continued. "He's a child that needs help, not a warrior that you see him out to be."

there was an uncomfortable silence as they both stared back at each other. The ambiance feels tense, as I hear some awkwardly cough and sigh.

"Why don't we let the kid decide, Afterall it's his life we're talking about here." mister Finn spoke as he came in between miss Shakti and Heracles. He then looked in my direction and smiled

"Why don't you come out August. What do you want to do?"

All eyes turned at my hiding spot, as I awkwardly came into their view, I slowly walked towards them, very slowly.

"Hello August... I heard that you've received your Falna yesterday." Mister Finn starts, his face smiling.

"Yes mister Finn."

"Drop the mister, there's no need for that anymore, afterall, you're already an adventurer like us." Chuckling, he then came close and kneeled so in front of me, bringing him at my eye level. "So how does it feel?"

"It feels great mis--" He looked at me playfully. "It feels good Finn, great even, I feel so strong, like I can do everything."

"That's great to hear... now then where coming to a decision here that involves you." he stood up as he pats my head. "What do you wanna do now? would you like to come to Orario with Shakti and join her familia? or Come with lord Heracles, he said that he will train you outside personally."

I pause as I contemplate on what decision to choose. Miss Shakti had been kind to me, as a matter of fact everyone of them had especially those within the Ganesha familia. My father was also a former member of them before he retired from adventurer work.

On the other hand, lord Heracles gave me his falna, he chose me personally, and gave me strength to kill the monsters yesterday, he also said that he will train me personally so I'll be receiving direct guidance from a god.

I looked at the two of them, Miss Shakti with her familia behind him, Looking at me expectingly, she smiled at me with assurance. she and her familia who I've came to know this past couple of days treat me as if I'm part of their family.

Then at lord Heracles, he has his arms folded in his chest, his eyes staring deep in mine, I can feel his fire, his passion to watch me and help me grow strong.

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