Chapter 45

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*August PoV*

I arrived at the Amphitheatre feeling very excited about today, the prospect of fighting mortals on my level made me smile. I really think the old man's habits are rubbing off me.

And I wasn't the only one feeling the excitement today, as everywhere I look is full of people enjoying the festive mood of the city.

As I looked around I spotted the Old man, along with lady Hestia and Denki waiting for me at the entrance.

"Captain!" Denki saw me and beamed a smile as he waved his hands calling me.

I walked to them, making my way into the crowded street.

"What took you so long?" Heracles asked as soon as I arrived in front of them.

"the Hostess was full so there's that." I answered and shrugged at him.

"Disrespectful as always." the old man spoke as he looked at me up and down. "At least you looked ready."

"Of course I am." I smiled and winked at him as I made my way inside. "You trained me so was there ever any doubt?"

"Hmmm." he just nods but I swear I saw a small smile on his stoic face.

They followed behind me as I confidently stride inside. I can feel multiple eyes staring at me but I paid it no mind. All that's inside my head right now is winning this whole damn thing.


There were too many participants, that was the first thing that was said by the organizer when I arrived at the venue. Because of this I was asked to wait along with the others while they decided on what to do.

A mini tournament would be held and only 16 participants would be chosen out of everyone here.

"The rules are simple." A young girl no older than 22 explained. She has an aqua blue colored hair, and cyan eyes. She was the one who greeted us, or at least me when I arrived earlier. I believe her name was Asfi Al Andromeda or something. "As your name is being called you will come with me to another room where we will be testing your body and mana. Only those who are among the 16 strongest will fight in the arena."

"How will you determine the strongest?" A random adventurer who I didn't know asked her.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you the details here, it's more of an on the spot challenge. All participants will be given the same amount of time to prepare so that no advantage would be gained." She answered the question.

"That's fair enough." another adventurer nodded.

"Now everyone will draw lots to see the order of who will go first and so on and so forth." Asfi signalled as two adventurers entered the room carrying a box with a small hole on the top. "Now if everyone can please form a line so we can begin."

We did as she asked and formed a line, I was in the middle of the pack not too far away from the front.


Minutes passed and it was finally my turn to draw my number, and I did without any issues. I looked at the number in my hand and read to myself.

"28 huh." I took a deep breath as I saw my number. I don't really have an idea what the challenge is but I'm glad I wasn't up first, or last at the matter.

I watched as the participants in line slowly dwindled arriving at the last one. It was Ais Wallestein of Loki's familia. She moved elegantly as she drew her number. She took one look at it and nodded to himself as she moved back. I followed her with my eyes and saw that she was headed to the twins.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now