Chapter 93 Epilogue (Book1)

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It had been a week since the amphitheater incident, an event named by the locals of Orario after the Evilus attack. Rebuilding efforts were in full swing, with survivors now recovered and actively participating in the reconstruction process.

However, August Kaiser, the adventurer hailed as the hero of Orario for his brave actions, remained unconscious inside the Heracles familia's manor. Despite his physical recovery, he showed no signs of waking up. In August's room, Heracles, along with Denki and Hestia, sat in solemn silence. Sunlight streamed through the open window, casting a serious tone on their faces.

"The healer mentioned that there's nothing wrong with his body now," Denki spoke, his voice laced with confusion. "His injuries have healed, and even his mana has recovered... I-I don't understand... Why isn't he waking up?"

"...." Heracles sighed, his gaze fixed on August's unconscious form. He harbored two theories, ones he refrained from sharing until he was certain. Either August was being kept by Beowulf, aiming to weaken his spirit and take over his body, or the spear was training August inside its domain. Either explanation would likely plunge the gods into heightened paranoia, surpassing their current state.

"Denki," Heracles turned his serious eyes towards the young samurai, causing Denki to gulp nervously. "Until August awakens, you will act as the captain of this familia. Many adventurers lost their falna when their gods returned to heaven due to Evilus' attack. I'll begin recruiting additional members."

Heracles paused, his hand resting on his chin as he contemplated. "Considering August's performance in the tournament and his growing status as the hero of Orario, swarms of unrecruited adventurers will likely apply to join our familia."

Heracles had forethought, intending to bolster his familia's numbers as insurance against potential challenges from greedy gods engaging in war games.

....." Denki didn't answer right away, this was a huge responsibility. 'Can I do this?' he thought to himself. 'I'm not really the leading type, and I'm much more comfortable in receiving orders than giving it... What if I made the wrong call inside the dungeon? What if I get everyone killed?' The pressure was getting into his head, as beads of sweat started to pool on his forehead. 'They likely would've wanted the captain to be the one leading them... Would they even listen to me? If lord Heracles is right, the adventurers who'll join the familia are likely joining because of the captain... I-I can't do-'

While Denki hesitated, grappling with the weight of this newfound responsibility, Heracles placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, conveying his trust. This snapped the young samurai out of his stupor.

"Breath..." Heracles spoke calmly, his hands pressing Denki's shoulder firmly as his eyes stared at his with calm understanding.

Denki nodded, his determination shining in his eyes. "I won't let you down, Lord Heracles. I'll do my best for the captain and every member who joins our familia."

Heracles nodded approvingly, his confidence in Denki evident. "Hmmm. You have my utmost trust."

With newfound resolve, Denki straightened his posture, ready to face the challenges ahead. Meanwhile, outside the window, the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city of Orario. In that quiet room, a new chapter began for the Heracles familia—one that would test their strength, unity, and belief in each other.

Hestia seeing this couldn't help but smile, she knew Heracles since he was still mortal, she was the first god who talked to him when he ascended into divinity. Seeing her friend open up and be a good father figure to both August and Denki made Hestia's heart swell. She knew the pain Heracles had suffered when he was still mortal, all the trial he had faced.

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