Chapter 133

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Lysander was slow to get up, he felt his bones rattling, protesting from him trying to get up. He glared at Hyakinthos, his vision was slightly blurry, and he could see red in his left eye.

He was bleeding from his forehead and was feeling quite dizzy. The hit took a lot out of him. Just goes to show just how much a level of disadvantage he has against Hyakinthos.

"Oh look, the rat is trying to get up." Hyakinthos mused with sadistic pleasure as he slowly walked towards Lysander. The former gladiator trying his best to get to his feet. "I got to say, I'm impressed... You can take a hit huh? How about another one." He smiled as he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Lysander with his hands in the air.

He backhanded him, sending him hurdling in the air. The former gladiator could feel his lips burst open from the hit. He landed on the ground and rolled multiple times, finally stopping when his body hit a large boulder near a tree.

Hyakinthos waited for him to move again, but was disappointed when the former gladiator stayed down on the ground. "What? That's it?" He sighed as he walked towards him. Grabbing him by the hair and raising him, the smile widened whecouldaw his bloody face. "Well, what do you know? Seems like everyone in that familia is trash. No wonder that girl went with you. I guess it's true what they say. Trash attracts trash."

"Yohsuwhtahktoomatchisu..." Lysander practically groaned, his words, inaudible. This made Hyakinthos laugh with sadistic pleasure.

"Did you say anything? I didn't catch that." He slapped him, making sure to hold back just a bit as blood splashed to the ground. He then pulled him near his ear, whispering with an amused tone. "Care to repeat that, trash?"

"Y-you talk... Too mu-much." Lysander's voice made Hyakinthos smile, he slowly lifted Lysander higher.

"A trash that could talk... How amusing." The captain of Apollo Familia unsheathed his sword and ran it through Lysander's chest. "Let's see you talk without a tongue... Maybe I'll show it to Gaé Bulg later. Or maybe it's just better to show him your head."

"F-fuck you." Lysander groans shakily, his voice is broken yet it carries his anger and defiance.

"Your head it is." Hyakinthos shrugs, he then throws Lysander up in the air, as he aims at his neck with his sword. "Die!"

As he was about to slash, Lysander's body suddenly vanished out of thin air. This made him stop in confusion.

He quickly looked around, trying to find where his target was. Only to feel a sudden sharp pain in his left abdomen.

His eyes widened as he stared down, seeing a dagger sticking through him. And a hand slowly materializes out of thin air.

He followed the hand and saw a hume-bunny looking at him angrily, it was Katty, her gaze was full of determination and fire, yet he could sense fear in those eyes of her's.

He quickly grabbed the arm and smiled, but his eyes were coldly looking at Katty. "What do we have here."

He tried to pull her close, but his balance was suddenly gone. He felt slightly dizzy.

"Poison... Enough to even incapacitate our captain." Katty spoke with a shaky voice. She forcefully pulled her hand off and kicked Hyakinthos making him fall to the ground.

Hyakinthos looked impressed, he gave Katty a look from head to toe. "Well, it seems like I was wrong." He muttered to himself. He moved his mana all around his body, slowly destroying the poison that was moving through his veins. "Looks like Heracles familia has some worthwhile members."

Katty felt the mana, her hair suddenly stood as her senses told her to run. And demi-humans, especially those who are beast people trust their instinct above all else.

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