Chapter 125

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August and Denki returned home, dark looks etched onto their faces, their street conversation running restlessly inside their heads.

Upon opening the door, they were greeted by silence, dark expressions on others' faces, and in the middle of the room stood Heracles and Hestia, both wearing angry expressions.

"August, Denki," Heracles' voice was tense, his face stoic, his eyes burning with rage. "Sit down. We have much to discuss."

Denki nodded and moved toward the open seat, sitting down with a plop, nervous about the way the two gods were looking.

August stared at Heracles for a moment, then sighed. Knowing Heracles for more than 9 years, he sensed that his expression boded ill news. "So, I take it that things didn't go as planned, right?"

"Yes, they did not," Heracles held a sigh, hiding the fatigue from dealing with the "Old fools," as he called the other gods.

"Tsk," August clicked his tongue, moving to an area near the fireplace, opting to lean on the wall rather than sit; he was too restless to contemplate sitting.

"Now that we are all here, I'm going to start," Heracles took a deep breath. "The request for a war game has been approved. But the bad news is, it won't be fought on our terms."

"What do you mean, Lord Heracles?" Denki asked nervously. From appearances, the war game conditions weren't in their favor. The others gulped, awaiting Heracles' explanation.

Heracles looked at everyone. It was a lopsided condition; the other gods favored Apollo too much, aiming for his downfall. While some may have sided with Heracles, those grateful for saving them 3 and a half months ago, it couldn't change the fact that the majority of the deities in Orario hated Heracles—the butcher of the gods.

"King of the hill," Heracles answered while clenching his hands. "The condition of the war game is king of the hill, no outside interference, meaning Apollo familia and us won't have any helpers in these war games..."

The others felt confused. Why was this bad news? It seemed the best scenario for them, especially with August on their side; he could wear the crown, and no one would take it away, even if they ganged up on him.

August and Denki exchanged a look; they understood the implications. It meant Apollo was confident enough to face Heracles familia—August specifically—without aid from the other gods.

Jogu laughed; his laughter echoed inside the room, others wearing small smiles. "Is Apollo stupid? No outside help? Did he forget we have the cap'n on our side?!"

Others agreed. Regardless of how one put it, deciding the war games as king of the hill was a bad move on Apollo's part. They expected a siege or a full-on battle on an open field, where they could use their numbers to a greater advantage.

However, Heracles shared another condition. "Apollo added another condition..." He looked at August and shook his head. "August cannot wear the crown."

"What? T-that puts us in such an unfavorable position!" Helga couldn't help but stand up, frustration leaking into her voice.

"I believe that was the idea from the start," Bors grimaced, his shoulders falling when he heard the condition.

"H-how long will the war game last?" Denki's mind began establishing different scenarios on how to tackle such a disadvantageous position; he wanted to know the specifics of the fight.

"Noon to dusk, the familia who has the crown by the time the sun completely sets will be declared the winner," Heracles answered. "Surrender is also another win condition, as well as... Complete wipeout."

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