Chapter 41

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Long chapter today, you can pretty much view this as a double chapter since I'm too lazy to actually write two separate chapters.

Anyway enjoy the read.



"GÁE BULG... BEOWULF!!!" August unleashed his attack, an original spell, a completely new magic created by him using all his experience, knowledge, and talent. August had finally begun to tap at the true potential of a Theïkó Óplo. And August had only got a drop of the spear's power, a drop in the vast ocean that is Beowulf.

The spear traveled true as it beamed straight into Goliath's core, the impact did not just shatter it, it disintegrated it to nothing, destroying the core up to its very atoms.

The spear landed to the ground, it passed through the monster like it was nothing, the spear encountered no resistance from Goliath's tough skin.

As the spear landed, it buried halfway to the ground and created a massive crater half the size of the adventurers guild.

Denki who was close to the attack was sent flying by the force of impact, a part of his skin charred at the heat generated by the spear, yet aside from that he was relatively unharmed. August had so much control over his mana that only the residual magic and the shockwave managed to touch Denki even though he was so near the epicenter.

He tried to balance himself mid air but failed to do so as the force sent him all the way towards the wall. He hit it with a thud as the air inside his body was forcefully expelled by the impact. Still he was conscious as he was able to protect himself with his mana. He slid down the wall and fell on his knees.

Froke on the other hand was knocked out cold, her level one body couldn't stand up to the force behind that attack as well as August's endless battle enhanced aura. She was lying face down on the ground as her mouth foamed. Denki saw this and breathed a sigh of relief. Froke right now may not look graceful but at least she was alive and stable.

Denki looked at the devastation of August's attack, his eyes widened in disbelief, the boss room dungeon floor, deemed as unbreakable had a massive crater in it and in the middle was the spear radiating with still so much magic.

"Holy shit..." Denki cursed under his breath, his eyes were glued at the weapon. At his peripheral vision he saw his captain, his body full of wounds and charred skin, his armor was gone from his right arm all the way down his torso. His body was full of scars, both old and new which he received when he unleashed that attack. "CAPTAIN!!!" Denki called out and ran towards his captain.

August stood tall as he watched his beloved spear that's stuck on the ground, his whole body ached and his vision was getting blurry. His right hand which he used when he throwed Beowulf was damaged as all the bone in it was broken, the skin was black as it was burned by a large amount of residual magic. "This is what I get for using an unfinished magic." he muttered as his body falls to the ground like a puppet that was cut off its strings.

Denki was fast enough to catch him though, not letting his captain hit the ground hard he held August at his left side making sure not to touch the heavily damaged side of his body.

"Captain what the hell was that?" Denki asked, his voice a mixture of outrage and excitement. Angry because of the effect it had on August, and excited because of the power behind that unknown attack.

"Oh Denki, that's you right?" August looked at his side and continued. "It seems that I can't see well right now and my body is entering mind zero... Be a dear and carry me for the rest of the trip." August spoke with his voice strained, he then passed out not long after.

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