Chapter 116

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August looked at Denki with disappointment apparent on his face, he never expected his friend to say all those things to Froke, he knew that Denki was angry, but that was just crossing the line. Especially since he knew what Froke had been through.

This made the young samurai scowl, he dodged August's gaze, looking at the ground while biting his lips, he didn't understand why August was siding with Froke on this one. In his mind, the hybrid had abandoned them at their lowest point, and now that August is back, she's back as well. "No..." he muttered, anger can be clearly heard  in his voice.

August was a bit taken aback, he took a deep breath and glared at Denki. "I know your angry, but there's some line that you don't cross. Especially since you're talking to a friend" August spoke in a calm voice, trying to be as understanding as he can. "And you Denki, crossed that li-"

"You weren't here!" Denki angrily scowled at August, he stood and walked towards his captain, looking straight at his eyes. "You don't get it, because you weren't here! She abandoned us! Right where I... No we needed her the most!" he spoke with a raised voice as he pointed at Froke who flinched at his actions. "And now that you're back, now that you're awake she's back with us as well?! That's not a friend, that's a parasite!"

August just stared at Denki, he didn't realize how angry his friend was, but now Denki was letting it all out. "I was here!" he screamed as he pounded his chest. "I was here when you were bed ridden! I was here for the familia! I was here when you were in a coma when you almost died trying to protect everyone in Orario! She didn't even made one visit! And you except me to apologize for what I said?!"

Froke who was at the side bit her lips, she never realized what her actions might do, she knew that Denki would be angry, but not to this point. She watched as Denki's face turn red, she could see the veins in his forehead, his arms shaking, emotions all to palpable in his face. Seeing it, she knew. Denki wasn't only angry, he hated her.

"You were gone! And she abandoned us! What am I supposed to do?!" he chuckled and gave Froke a glare. The tone of his voice was mocking as his eyes glued at Froke, standing there like a statue. "Welcome her back like nothing happened?!"

August looked at Froke, seeing the tears filling her eyes, he regretted ever making the promise of keeping her secret. Because if it was up to him, he would tell Denki everything right at this moment. "That's enough Denki..." August sighed and extended his right hand to Denki's shoulder, but the young samurai slapped it away.

"And you! You're siding with her? She was never our friend, hell she didn't care about me, nor you! She's only back here because now that you're awake, she'll earn more money! She's tra-"

"ENOUGH!!!" August yelled, his voice was filled with frustration, anger, and disappointment. "That's enough Denki. You don't know what you're talking about. You're angry, I suggest you shut the fuck up before you say something you'll fucking regret."

August took a deep breath, he looked at both Denki and Froke, seeing two different emotions in his two closest friends. On one hand, he could see anger, a sense of betrayal, and uncompromising vendetta in the face of Denki. On the other hand, Froke was filled with guilt, longing, sadness, and emptyness, and what he hated most... Self doubt and blame. He knew those emotions well, he had faced those emotions head on, he knew it was poison for the mind and the body.

He massaged himself on his temple and let out a frustrated grunt. Heracles hadn't thought him how to handle this situations. He couldn't get why Froke was hiding everything from Denki, if she would just open up, then maybe everything would go well. But at the same time, he knew he has no right on her decision, it was her secret to tell, not his.

"Froke leave us." August looked at the hybrid and smiled gently, he needed to talk to Denki, but not in the state that he is in now. And August knew that with Froke here, Denki couldn't think straight. He needed Denki to be his usual calm and rational self.

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