Chapter 122

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Morning unfolded in Orario, yet the adventurers from the Heracles familia still hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. Anger consumed them, rendering the thought of rest impossible.

They sat in silence within the living quarters; the expressions on their faces revealed the turmoil within. The room remained dim, with the rising sun's light only piercing through the curtains' slits.

"Damn it!" Jogu's curse echoed, his fist slamming on the table. "What are we doing!? We should march to Apollo right this instance and—"

"And do what?" Helga's tired eyes glared at Jogu, bags forming under her matured face. "I want nothing more than to gut those bastards, but we need to be smart about this."

"SMART ABOUT IT?!! THEY LEFT BELL FOR DEAD!!!" Jogu, veins popping, stood up, his face red with anger.

"Helga's right," August sighed. Truth be told, he wasn't as affected by what happened to Bell. Having met the guy just two days ago, he could think logically, unlike the others who treated the young adventurer like a sibling. "As much as I hate Apollo, I have to admit he still has a brain. He's baiting us. This was a message. And knowing his temperament, this won't be the last."

"So what now? We do nothing?" Ozwald asked, his face wearing a frown.

August shook his head. "I didn't say that. This was a message, so we send one as well..." He smiled sinisterly, making the others gulp. "Something big, something that will make him think twice before pulling a stunt like this again." He looked at Heracles, his eyes communicating with the god.

Heracles understood that August wanted to do something drastic, something that would mark the start of the war between the two familia. The god nodded at August, giving his approval.

August smirked as he walked towards the door. Before he reached the handle, he looked back, specifically towards Kiez. "Let me have your spear; I'll buy you one better later."

Kiez was a bit confused. He took his spear from his back and walked slowly towards August, wondering why his captain wanted to use his spear when he had a more superior one.

Denki and the others watched, curious about what was going on inside their captain's mind. They stood up from their seats, eager to see what he would do.

"You're not marching there alone, are you? Captain or not, don't expect that we won't be coming with you. You can't order us to stay here while you fig—" Lysander stood up, grabbing his swords. He spoke with determination, but August cut him off with a chuckle.

"Nah, I'm just gonna go outside. Y'all can come if you like; I'll just be at the front." August shrugged. He then received Kiez's spear, the cold metal feeling light in his hand—too light, but it would do for what he was planning. He walked out while stretching his back, the morning light hitting his face, providing warmth.

The others followed suit, curious about what August would be doing. He walked to the middle of the front yard, continuing to stretch his body, making himself loose.

Suddenly, everyone felt the air shifting around August, his mana humming alive as he willed it to move inside his body.

Denki walked forward, stopping a few steps away from August. "What are you doing?" he asked the question the others were dying to ask as well.

"Like I said," August looked back at Denki. He then smiled sinisterly as his mana boomed and expanded, covering the entirety of Orario with his mana dome. He looked forward, straight towards the direction of Apollo's mansion. "I'll be sending a message back."

He gripped the spear, cracking the metal with his strength. He raised it at the side of his head using his right hand, and with his left, he pointed upward, aiming straight towards Apollo's mansion.

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