Chapter 109

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August smile was making Apollo uncomfortable, it felt unhinged, or maybe it was the fact that in August's hand, was a weapon the will kill him, a god, permanently.

Apollo knew that non of his children could even challenge August, much less fight him, even if they all ganged up on him. And for proof, his captain, the strongest in Apollo familia, is getting choke by August, lifted up in the air, like a child.

But his pride as a god won't allow him to be look down upon. His anger was overwhelming the fear that was gripping his heart.

"Insolent mortal!" he snapped, he refused to be look down upon this lowly creature in front of him. "HOW DARE YOU!!! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!!!"

"Lord Apollo." August tilted his head, looking at Apollo with a smile. He let Hyakinthos go, his fingers leaving a mark on his neck. "I'm just here for my supporter, nothing else..." his eyes then turned cold, his killing intent focusing on the god, the smile on his face vanishing. "You understand that right?"

Apollo unconsciously took a step back, his pride took a hit because of it. 'I... The great Apollo... Took a step back because of a fucking mortal!' the god understood the implication behind August's words, it was a warning, and a lifeline for him to grab. "Let me take Froke, and we will forget everything that happened today." was the silent message that was conveyed by August's words.

"After all..." August eyes looked at the ground, where Apollo dropped the whip. "We wouldn't want things to get out of hand right... Lord Apollo." his voice was held a sinister feeling to it, that made Apollo hold his breath.

August was mad, he's fuming. Right now, August has the capacity to keep his mana dome on at all times, like Toga. He had mastered it, and was now second nature to him, like breathing. And because of that, the moment he entered in the vicinity of Apollo's mansion, he sense everything that happened in the room. He stepped in, just in time to stop the god.

But by the look, and lack of fight Froke did, his mind picked-up that this wasn't a one time thing. He wanted nothing more than to cut the head off the god, but he knew, nothing good would happen to Heracles familia if he did.

As much as he hates to admit it, Apollo is one of the more influential gods in Orario, and his death, would likely lead to the other gods launching a campaign against him and by extension, his familia.

"Froke... Get up, we're leaving." August looked warmly towards Froke with a serene smile on his face, he raised his hand, gesturing the hybrid to take it.

Froke, at first hesitated, the fear she had on Apollo is rooted deep inside her system, her eyes glued at Augut's hand, she raised her right, brought it down, afraid of what Apollo might do of she took it.

August didn't wait for the hybrid girl, he extended his hand to hold her, and pulled her up to stand, catching her on the way up. A warm smile on his face, the signify that everything was gonna be ok.

Apollo glared at the mortal who dared to threaten him, to disrespect him, and now, is attempting to take what is rightfully his. "YOU FUC-"

August vanished from where he stood, and Apollo felt a sharp prick at his throat. The god looked down, finding the spear pressing at his throat, it was the first time he ever saw his blood being drawn because of injuries. Injuries he sustained from a mortal.

It made him pale, a lump formed on his throat, choaking him, he couldn't breathe. He followed the spear, and saw a mortal, looking at him coldly, his eyes gleaming with dark intentions.

The others in the room,  (Froke, Haykinthos, and Luan.) all froze, August moved too fast for them to see, the next thing they knew, he had a god at the end of his spear.

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