Chapter 28

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Everyone expected them to go gung-ho at each other at the start, but the two of them just stared at each other.

Watching every movement, calculating every possible opening for them to take. The low level adventurers may see this as them just staring at each other, but for those who had steeped in the realm of being a high class adventurer, they can see that the two of them are having a mental battle to gain the upper hand.

August changed his stance, lowering his center of gravity he held his spear to aim its tip on the ground pointing at Bete's feet.

This subtle change made Bete adjust his stance as well, he crouched down like a wolf ready to pounce, his two swords forming an x in front of him both ready for attacking as well as defending his front.

seeing this August front foot which is his left slid a couple of centimeters to the left side which Bete saw and made a minor adjustment as well.

It became a reading match, on who can gain the upper hand when it came to positioning for the perfect strike. Both fighters know that whoever gains the advantages here will control the tempo of the entire match.

"The kid is pretty good don't you think?" Gareth said as he watched the whole thing unfold. "An average fighter would just charge in hoping to get the upper hand by delivering the first strike."

"Yes." Finn nodded. "It looks like August has been trained by someone who really knows the art of combat. The way he adjusted his stance to gain the advantage is something a veteran adventurer would do, just like us."

"But Bete isn't giving him any ground, he is covering every path of attack August is making. I'm surprised Bete didn't try to gain the tempo by attacking first though."

"He is being cautious. He saw a glimpse of what August can do and not to mention that dark magic we felt when he fought Goliath. Only a fool would rush in even after knowing those facts."

Tione and Tiona who were at the side listening to the conversation got a glimpse of how skilled August really is when it came to fighting. They looked at the middle as the two did their lethal dance in taking the optimal position for attack or for defense. It was like a chess match between two experienced masters.

"Hey sis, I really regret not taking the spar with August earlier." Tione said as her eyes are glued at the young man's back.

"Don't make me laugh, you heard what the captain and Garelth said. You are not the type of fighter who relies on taking the optimal position." Tiona smirked at her sister. "Knowing you, you'll probably just charge in without a single thought and lose after a few exchanges."

"Meanie." Tione pouts at those words. She might not like it but it's the truth. She doesn't like this type of fighting. She would rather brute force her way in gaining the upper hand.

"Oh just watch. You might learn something." Tiona said urging Tione to focus in the match.

'No opening, his guard is tight, every adjustment I make he would just counter automatically, even the small minor ones.' August was wracking his brains. He tried everything in his arsenal to get to the most advantageous spot but Bete saw his everyone and has an answer to it. 'Should I just go in? No... That would be stupid on my part, how about creating an opening for him to attack me and taking advantage of it? It's possible but I don't think he's someone who'll fall for that obvious trap.' His mind was working double time, this was the first time he fought someone who knows how to really fight other than his god. He knew how to handle Heracles because he fought him countless times already, he memorized his every tell, but Bete was someone he was fighting for the first time.

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