Chapter 77

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Orario had now gone to rest as its inhabitants had now tucked in from the busy yet exciting day they had.

Yet there was a place that even in the depths of night, was still bustling with people from the populace, with adventurers and civilians alike walking and mingling in the streets.

That place is the red light district, a place where the scums of the city go to have a good time, where the city police -Ganesha Familia- had very little presence or none at all.

Shady familias had taken root in this part of the city, it was an unlawful place, filled with drugs, prostitution, and illegal activities such as murder and mortal trafficking.

It was the dark side of the city. And at the center of it, the one who is in control of the whole area is Ishtar and her familia.

She ruled the place using her seductive charm which could ensnare mortals, and her children who did the dirtier deeds such as eliminating those who stood in her way.

And right now, Ishtar was having a drink, along with a guess.

"Ishtar, I've got to say... You really do have impeccable taste." a man spoke with a smile as he twirled the red wine, swirling it inside an ornament glass. "And for someone who is still under suspicion of being a part of Evilus, you seem to be living well."

"Erebus... What the hell are you doing here?!" Ishtar glared at Erebus and spoke with venom in her voice. She felt threatened, if anyone saw the crazed god who was an open member of Evilus under her roof, she would lose everything. Hades would stop at nothing to hunt her down. "Are you trying to blow my cover?!"

"Relax dearie, loosen up a little. I'm just paying a little visit, I do miss the city you know." Erebus smiled as he took a sip of wine. "And don't you worry, I was careful when I entered this city."

"Don't play your games with me! A little visit? You must think I'm an idiot then?"

"On the contrary, I think you're quite smart. Establishing this little empire inside Orario, gaining power and riches, as well as a foothold as one of the more prominent gods in this city. Color me impressed." Erebus then flashed Ishtar a meaningful smile. "It would be a shame if it all turned into dust, don't you think?"

"Are you threatening me?" Ishtar's voice became dangerously low, her godly aura oozed out her body, making the air dense with her malicious intent.

"Of course not." Erebus chuckles and shakes his hand playfully. "Why would I threaten a comrade?"

Ishtar could feel her blood boiling, she hates being toyed with, especially in her own home. She was about to say something but two hooded figures landed behind Erebus and kneeled.

Erebus smile deepens as one of them scotches over to his side and whispers something in his ears.

Ishtar became curious, how did those two bypass her security, what did they whisper to make Erebus smile like that. 'What the hell is he planning?' she thought to herself.

Erebus nodded, he handed something to one of the hooded figures as he smiled playfully in Ishtar's direction. The two figures slowly moved back and vanished, leaving the two gods alone inside the room.

"What the hell was that?" Ishtar asked.

"Business dearie... Something that may interest you as well."

"Hahaha you must be crazy if you think that I'll join in on whatever crazy schemes you are planning."

"Oh... But it's gonna be glorious." Erebus smiled crazily, sending chills up Ishtar's spine. She knew that smile, and it only meant that something big was running up inside the crazy god's head.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now