Chapter 19

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The two of them meet in the middle as Goliath throws a devastating right punch straight towards the young adventurer.

August jumped up dodging the blow and ran up into its arms, using his mana and natural strength to propel himself towards the monster's head.

"Gotcha!" He channeled mana into Beowulf, and drove the spear straight into the monster's eye. He got it, or so he thought.

Goliath used its left hand and slammed it directly at August hitting him at the side making him vomit out blood as he was sent flying a few meters back crashing on the dungeon wall.

He was so concentrated on his attack that he failed to see the blow coming. He slid down the wall down to the ground, his vision getting blurry as he tried to stand up.

"Fucking monster." he could only curse at the monster, he's body is broken and battered from one hit alone, all of his arrogance vanished and right now it was replaced with the intense desire for survival.

"ROAR!!!" The monster charges at him, not giving him any time to recover as it looks to finish him off.

August was able to roll to the right as the massive hands crashed to the ground, sending debris flying off by its massive force.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he ignored the pain and willed his mana to move, he went for a counter slashing at the ankle of the monster which made it roar in pain.

The monster quickly turned and trashed at August, raining blows down on him. August dodges the blows, every dodges made his heart beat faster as he knows that taking another hit would mean his demise.

'Shit moving like this is taxing my body even more. I got to find an opening.' his body hurts at every movement he is doing, as a burst of pain assaults him at every step he takes to dodge the incoming fist. He made an effort to counter every now and then, making some cuts here and there and Beowulf absorbed Goliath's blood aiding him as his skill lethal tempo increased his speed at every blow he made.

But it still wasn't enough. He may be faster than the monster but it was only by a little margin, and he knows he can't continue this long enough for him to gain more speed since he's body is near its limit. He's only moving because of his desire to survive. He knows that at any moment his body may give up on him.

'I guess I really have to use it. I heard from Sophie that floor 18 is a safe zone, it's risky but it's the only chance I have. I just need to stall for another 4 minutes then I can use endless battle.' his mind worked fast, coming up with a sound plan to at least have a chance in beating this monster in front of him, but the problem is. Does he have that 4 minutes in him. It will be close.

If his body can hold on for another 4 minutes then he has a chance to kill this thing. But if it gave out on him, he'll be just another corpse in the dungeon.



-at the 16th floor of the dungeon

"Aren't there quite a few monsters in here right now?" a petite dark skinned amazoness that's carrying an over exaggerated double bladed sword said while dispatching a lone minotaur that's unlucky enough to cross her path, this amazoness is Tiona Hiryute

"I don't really care, it makes our job a lot easier if you ask me." she was answered by a taller amazoness who is wielding a pair of kukri knives, it was her older twin sister Tione Hiryute.

"let's wrap it up here. These small fries really don't pose much of a challenge for us anyway." an arrogant looking werewolf impatiently barks as he holds a monster core in his hands. The man was known as Bete Loga.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now