Chapter 119

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Two days later, at Apollo's mansion:

Apollo sat alone in his office, holding a glass of red wine, drowning himself in alcohol. Gone was his usual narcissistic and arrogant demeanor; what remained was a broken shell of the god he once was. Every sound made him fidget, paranoia and anger taking over his whole system. He blamed August for this, the young adventurer who had the audacity to threaten his life and take one of his possessions during a recent visit.

"Me... A god... Being threatened by a mere mortal?" his voice was laced with venom as he clenched his fist, shattering the glass in his hand. He winced as broken fragments sliced up his hands. "FUCK!!!" He stood up and flipped his table in anger, his godly aura threatening to burst out.

The crashing table made a loud thud, traveling outside his office, where his children winced at the sound. His anger cascaded to some of them as he called someone to his office every now and then to "clear his head," but they knew what was really happening inside the sadistic god's chamber.

Apollo didn't care what his children thought of him; they were his property, and it was his right to do as he pleased as their owner. It was a sick way to view his familia, and many gods knew of this but didn't care. So why should he?

"HYAKENTHOS!!!" Apollo screamed for his captain, no doubt wanting to "calm his mind" again. But no answer came, only silence. He got even angrier and marched towards the door, wanting to vent at the incompetent man he made his captain. But as his hand reached for the door, he felt a cold air blowing behind his neck.

He paused, feeling a tingle of mana inside the room. "Who's there?" he asked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. "I'm in no mood for games; I suggest you show yourself now!"

"My my... Apollo... How the mighty have fallen." A sweet and melodic voice entered his ears, a familiar voice from heaven. The voice sent shivers down his spine as the darkness in his office began to fold and bend, forming into the figure of a woman. "I like this look on you much better. It's more... Desperate."

Apollo clicked his tongue as he saw who it was. His mind raced, trying to find an explanation for her presence. Then it clicked... Magic. She was known for this kind of stuff; even if gods couldn't use arcanum in the lower world, they could teach their children how to cast similar spells using mana.

He looked at the figure from head to toe with discerning eyes accustomed to looking down on everyone. "Why are you here... Apate?" he clenched his fist, his face scrunching into anger, remembering the events of three and a half months ago.

The attack on Orario, orchestrated by Evilus. Apate, the goddess of deceit, was a known member of that organization. As much of an asshole as Apollo was, he did hate Evilus and everything they stood for.

"My... Apollo, couldn't little old me visit one of my friends here in Orario?" Apate clutched her heart, acting hurt by Apollo's tone. "I do miss every-"

"CUT THE CRAP!!!" Apollo screamed in anger, cutting off Apate. "I'm in no mood for this... Especially from you Evilus scums!" His voice laced with venom as he glared at the goddess. "And don't give me that! I can clearly see that this is an apparition, something I'm sure one of your pesky children is casting right now. You don't even have the guts to come here in person."

"Oh, someone's angry... And a little bird told me that's because of a mortal who paid you a visit two days ago." Apate smiled as her figure hovered towards Apollo. "Must be humiliating. Especially for a proud god such as yourself."

"...." Apollo clenched his fist, remembering how August humiliated him. Everything that was happening right now was because of that mortal. The wound in his hands bled more profusely as his nails dug into it, the pain fueling his anger even more. Every drop of blood was added to his deep-seated anger towards the mortal.

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