Chapter 13

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A powerful blow sent August flying off. That was how the fight started, August didn't even see Heracles strike coming and only with his well trained instincts was he able to move his spear to block the blow.

"Boy get up. I barely even touched you." The god said mockingly as he looked at the downed boy.

August felt his body aching, he fought with his god countless of times now and he felt that his attack was even stronger than usual.

August slowly rose to his feet, using his spear for support. That blow alone almost broke his arm. He was angry. "Fucking old man, are you trying to kill me!?"

"Kill you? HAHAHAHA! Boy if I wanted to kill you you'll be a stain on the ground already. That was merely a love tap."

August stared at the god of strength, from the 9 years that he was with him, being trained by him, he never witnessed the true strength of the god. And he remembered that gods can't use Arcanum in the lower world.

Only one thing entered the boy's mind. Heracles is the embodiment of strength and power. And beating him would be a mountain of a task. after all, from all of their sparring sessions, he never once did beat the god.

August closed his eyes, he took a deep breath in, he prepared himself, brandishing his beloved spear Beowulf, he let his mana run wild.

All the power of a level four exploded in the air as a violent surge of mana exudes from the boy's body.

"That's the spirit. prove your worth as a warrior." Heracles smiled wildly as he clenched his fist. "COME BOY!!! ATTACK ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, ATTACK WITH THE INTENTION TO KILL, SHOW ME WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED, SHOW ME THAT YOU ARE STRONG!!!"

August rushed at the god, his spear at the ready he pushed off the ground at speed's no ordinary man could even see.

He pushes his spear straight at the god, the force in it can decimate a monster into a fleshy mess.

But this is Heracles, The man made God. With natural strength so strong his blow could crumble mountains.

He used his fist, confronting the spear head on with his right. but Heracles was no fool, he knows that without his Arcanum his body was essentially human, even with all his strength a spear especially Beowulf would just tear his fist apart. This fist was a bluff. His true aim was the base of the spear.

August braces himself for impact on the incoming collision, but as his spear was about to hit Heracles fist, the god pulled his hand back, and using his left he punched the spear with enough strength to break adamantite. He knows that the spear wouldn't break so he can relax himself without holding much back.

His fist hit the base of the spear, sending it upwards. August's posture broke, his hands hurt from the impact but now he was wide open as his guard was broken by just one move from the god.

"SHIT!!!" The boy can only curse, as Heracles smirk, looking at the boy's eye, he loaded his right and swung it towards the wide open abdomen of August, hitting him at his solar plexus.

August winced at the pain, he was able to make his mana move fast enough to cover the area but since it was rushed it was flimsy at best. The blow still made him fly in the air, as he spits saliva with a mix of blood.

"I told you many times that you rely too much on that weapon and your reflexes. Your attack is also very honest. Have I taught you nothing?" He watches as the boy lands rolled at the ground. 'The blow must have knocked the wind out of him' he thought as he moved in, walking at a steady pace.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now