Chapter 53

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The two fighters heard Ganesha's signal to begin, not wasting any time, Taka charged head first towards Phryne brandishing his weapon the Katar.

Phryne blocked the first charge with her massive battle axe and with speed shocking for her size, she made a quick turn and slashed horizontally at Taka.

He smirked at the incoming axe and pivoted his left to dodge the strike while delivering one of his own.

Phryne was able to dodge but Taka didn't give her a chance to retaliate, using his momentum he spun while slashing his weapon multiple times. His movement made him look like he was dancing as he spun, weave, and slashed at the female adventurer.

"Tsk!" Phryne clicked her tongue, seeing that there was no other way to stop the tempo that Taka had established she leaned in at the hail of blades and aimed for an exchange of blow with her axe.

A loud clang sounded as Taka's momentum came to a stop, but he had enough speed and power that he was able to push the larger female back.

The exchange only lasted for a couple seconds, the two of them had the crowd erupting with cheers.



"That's Taka for you... Always on the attack!!!"

"But Phryne was able to handle that like it was nothing!!!"

The crowd couldn't help but stood up on that exchange. Right now the two of them are showing why they made it on the main stage of the tournament.

"Not bad..." Taka smirked while he stretched his body up. "You're strong. Maybe you'll actually give me a fight."

"Hah you're not so bad yourself pretty boy." Phryne spoke with a seductive tone as she licked her lips. "You make me want to gobble you up."

Taka just smiled while taking up his stance. "Well that image is stuck in my mind now." his weapons glowed blue as he casually let his mana loose.

"Of course it's stuck. With a beauty like me it's understandable that I'm in your head doing lewd stuff." Phryne took her stance as well, her weapon glowing a dark green hue as her mana hums in the air.

"Not what I meant!" with a grunt Taka beamed straight to Phryne, right before he reached him he jumped in the air and slammed his weapon down at her."

Phryne saw this and raised her axe to her side. She let out a short shout as she slashed her axe to meet Taka at the center.


A thunderous sound boomed all throughout the arena as their two weapons met. Metal against metal, mana against mana, neither one giving an inch.

'I should take the initiative in establishing the tempo.' Phryne thought to herself as she tilted her axe to let Taka slid rights beside her. She remembered the exchange earlier and came to the conclusion that Taka's style relies on him gaining the advantage first in their exchange. She was not about to give him that.

"Tsk!" Taka clicked his tongue, his choice is limited at his current position and the only attack available for him to take is a stab at Phryne's side. He didn't like it, he felt like he was being guided to take that strike.

He didn't get more time to contemplate as Phyrne delivered a kick, he had no choice but to jump back and retreat.

Phryne missed her kick, she quickly transitioned on chasing after Taka who had opted to gain distance.

"Come here pretty boy, I swear I'll be gentle!" She taunted while chasing after him with a smile.

"Sure!" Taka answered which caught Phryne off-guard. He then came to a sudden stop and like clockwork he dashed to meet Phryne head on. "Here... CATCH!" With a punching motion, Taka stabbed his weapon straight at her face.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now