Chapter 78

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Ibri Achaa stood in the middle of the stage, he was tasked by Ganesha to host the finals as the god was impressed by his performance yesterday.

With a smile plastered on his face. 'It's showtime.' he took a deep breath before starting. "LADIES AMD GENTLEMAN!!! IT'S... TIMEEEE!!!" he wailed on the top of his lungs, making the crowd go wild as they cheered loudly. "For two days, we have witnessed battle, war, and victory, all leading to this moment! And now, only two remain, this is the last fight to determine the strongest level 5 in Orario... Nay, THE CONTINENT!!! THIS IS THE FINALS!!!"

Ibri paused, savoring the adoration from the crowd. Taking another breath in, he continued. "Now without further ado, allow me to call on our two fighters! The two of them need no introduction, they have dominated the competition, and now only one stood in their way! On my RIGHT!!! THE CROWN PRINCE OF RAKIA!!! MARIUS!!! VICTRIX!!! RAKIA!!!"

Marius marched to the stage, his stride arrogant, his every step held confidence, the look of superiority glued to his face, he smiled mockingly at the crowd that was raining down boos towards him, giving a message loud and clear, he was better than them. He firmly believed it so, he was above everyone.

'Talk about ego.' Ibri thought to himself, he knows that he really shouldn't be biased, but he really wants August to beat the prince to a pulp. "And to my LEFT!!! THE GÁE BULG!!! AUGUST!!! KAISER!!!"

August walked on to the stage, his sight was set on the prince, his mana, pulsing at a rhythmic beat, sending gusts of wind everywhere at a steady pace. His eyes, unmoving, his aura put a stop to everyone in the amphitheater, be it gods or mortals alike.

"Tsk!" Heracles clicked his tongue, he knew this feeling well. "That idiot." he mutters to himself as he watches August walk to the stage. 'He's angry, he's letting his emotions get the better of him.' the god wanted to smack August in the head.

Heracles have taught August the importance of maintaining a neutral emotional state when engaging in combat, he thought him to fight cold, like ice. But right now, his anger was like a raging inferno.

Sure, anger can be used as motivation, it can fuel you, give you strength, but it can also hinder you, it makes you rash, tense, predictable even... Something that is exploitable for a skilled fighter.

August arrived at the middle of the stage, face to face with the prince, there's no trace of emotion that can be seen in his face, not like his earlier fights where excitement was apparent with every move he makes.

Everyone in the arena gulped, the barrier was stronger than ever before, they weren't able to sense any mana from the stage, yet the ambiance that August is giving right now is downright terrifying. There was a pin drop of silence the moment he stepped on the stage.

The Prince who was smiling moments ago turned serious, his mana suddenly rose, covering every part of his body, a subconscious defense mechanism when facing something dangerous that every adventurer has.

'Did he just make me nervous?' Marius mind was in shambles, this was unacceptable for someone with his stance. A royal like him shouldn't be nervous of this common trash.

Ibri who is on the stage with August ran for his life, he felt that if he stayed there any longer, he would get killed. All the thought of professionalism in giving the crowd a good show flew out the window for the host. Right now, his survival instinct is in control.

August saw that as the signal to start, and without wasting anymore time, August charged in, lifting his spear to the side, he went in for a powerful stab, heading straight towards the prince's chest.

Marius quickly drew his sword, he moved it to block the spear while he took one step back to gain a sliver of time before the spear head reached him. He successfully parried the stab, shooting August's weapon to the left.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now