Chapter 33

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*Denki PoV*

My heart was beating so fast as I stood in front of August Kaiser, the Gáe Bulg and the captain of Heracles Familia. My captain to be exact.

I arrived in Orario three days earlier, and in those three days I've heard many rumors about the man who'll be my captain in this familia.

They said that his spear is like a tempest, fast and precise, that he brings death to any monsters who are unlucky enough to stand in his path. Those who saw him in action inside the dungeon spoke that he is brutal in his hunt. But the most popular rumor I heard about him is how he killed a monster rex in his very first dungeon dive.

I used to think that those were only rumors, that they were over exaggerated, but as I stood in front of him, I felt like what they were saying was tame in comparison.

"Holy shit." I could only curse, as a thick and sinister aura oozes out of August. It clings to my body and feels on a lack of a better term disgusting. It feels sticky and vile, like I'm stuck in the deep end of one of those tar pits in the jungle of the far east.

My body felt heavy, and moving became hard. Even breathing seemed to be a challenge right now. Standing in front of him felt like Death.

But this is what I want. August is the strongest opponent I've ever faced, and I know that I will learn so much from him in this spar. I won't let this opportunity pass by.

My concentration became deeper as my heels dug deep in the earth below. I controlled my breathing as I remembered the training I did before coming here.

Right now my mana has expanded in a sphere 5 steps around me, this is my space, and whoever breaches my space would be cut.

"Bring it!" I spoke with determination in my voice. My stance, low to the ground as I took an iaijutsu stance.

"That's some fine mana control if I do say so myself." August said as he smiled at me. "If I have to take a guess I'll say that inside that area is your kill zone. And if I steep inside it I'll be within your striking range." he took a step forward stopping short outside my range. "A perfect technique on a one on one duel."

I stayed silent as I prepared to strike, filling mana into my katana I aim to finish this in one shot as I've been taught by my master.

He gave me a smirk and took the step inside. The moment his toe entered my zone my body moved instantaneously. 'Iaijutsu: Soyokaze!'

My katana moved straight at him, slicing the wind on its path, it headed straight towards his neck.

"Fast... But not fast enough." I heard August speak right before my sword even touched him. And then.


His spear blocked the path of my blade before even reaching its target. The sound of metal hitting metal vibrated in my ear as my hand trembled from the force of the collision.

And then I saw his face, a smug smile plastered in it, his eyes looking directly at mine. "Shit!" I cursed as I felt the hair on my neck stood up and before I knew it I was on the ground.

"Argh!!!" I didn't even see the hit coming, what did he hit me with? His spear? His fist? Did he kick me perhaps? I could only groan as I slowly willed myself to stand back up.

"Hmmm... Impressive. You didn't let go of your weapon even after taking a shot from your blind side." August spoke, my eyes followed his voice and I saw him just standing there with the same nonchalant poise he has.

"Uhgg... What the hell did you hit me with?" I asked, my voice raising an octave as frustration started to fill my head.

He smiled. "Take a guess." he said.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now