Chapter 117

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A soft crackling of fire wafts through the air as August and the rest of the Heracles familia sit in their camp, waiting for supper.

A gentle smell of stew tickles their noses as Katty, along with Nadia, prepares the meal. Nadia, due to her elven heritage, is only preparing her rations, avoiding meat of any kind.

Jogu looks at Nadia weirdly. "No matter how many times I see it, I still wonder how you can eat that shi-" He pauses as he sees Katty glaring at him. "That stuff... It just seems so bland."

Nadia chuckles as she slices her fruits and mixes them in a bowl. "It is taught by my people that all life in this world is sacred, that everyone deserves a chance to live their life to the fullest." She then pours the sauce that she always carries whenever they are in the dungeon. "That being said, I do know that not everyone follows my belief, and that everyone has a faith of their own. But my people are elves who lived in Lady Gaia's forest, so we have always followed her teachings, believing that all life is sacred and should not be taken if it isn't necessary."

Jogu has a confused look on his face; he still doesn't get it because, for him, meat is good, meat is superior—why the hell would you eat something bland if you can eat meat?

Nadia sees this and smiles. "To say it plainly, I don't need to consume flesh to survive, so therefore, taking a life isn't really necessary, so I choose not to."

"So you can still eat meat?" Jogu asks again, still with palpable confusion on his face.

"Of course I can... But I choose not to since it isn't necessary." Nadia smiles and walks towards the table, finishing her fruit and vegetable salad and placing it on the table for everyone to see.

"I... I still don't get it?" Jogu mutters, still confused.

"Well, you're an idiot, so it's understandable." Kiez chuckles on the side, earning laughter from everyone, while Jogu glares at the young spearman.

The night continues with laughter and catching up; it has been an eventful two days, and a moment of relaxation is welcomed by the adventurers.

August, meanwhile, watches the familia with a soft smile on his face. He has made his decision; he will talk with Heracles the moment they reach the surface. His eyes land on Froke and Denki on the side, deep in conversation, and from the looks of it, the two of them missed each other dearly.

"A fine evening, isn't it, young August?" August almost clicks his tongue as he hears the familiar voice. He doesn't need to look back to know that it's Hermes talking to him.

"That it is, Lord Hermes," August answers curtly. The god has been chasing him all day, trying to talk to him. But there's something that's been bugging him about the god; his instincts tell him not to trust him, so he avoids him, finding excuses not to talk.

But now he's cornered. "I've been wanting to meet you and talk, young August, son of Siegfried."

August raises his brow and looks at the god, only to see him with that playful smile on his face—the very thing that makes him wary of the god. "You know my father?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't know the legendary Vanguard?" The smile on Hermes' lips rises even more as he inches closer towards August and whispers, "The former wielder of Beowulf, and the unsung hero of Orario." Hermes takes a step back, his eyes watching August's face, gauging his reaction. And with it, his smile deepens.

He knows it, curiosity. August, who at first had no intention to talk to him, has now given his whole undivided attention.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Hermes chuckles. "Your father was a hero. Well, I can't say I blame you, though. After all... Not many know of his heroism." He looks at August dead in the eye and smiles meaningfully. "His sacrifice." His eyes motion to the spear on August's back.

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