Chapter 94

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I'm back, sorry about the one week break. I'll be returning to the usual update schedule now.



-Two and a half months later

A boy gasped for breath while running for his life on the fifth floor of the dungeon. His usual prey of Kabolbs and Goblins had been replaced by a terrifying Minotaur. Lost in a three-way intersection, he screamed, "WHY IS THERE A MINOTAUR ON THE 5TH FLOOR!!!" as he desperately tried to escape.

Panting heavily, he made a right turn, only to find himself in a dead end. He quickly turned around, but the monstrous Minotaur blocked his way, causing him to recoil in shock. In his panic, he stepped on a protruding rock, losing his balance. It turned out to be a stroke of luck, as the Minotaur's fist flew harmlessly above him due to his clumsy action.

Crouched in a fetal position, he covered his head with his hands, listening to the Minotaur's triumphant roars. Accepting his fate, he closed his eyes, silently praying to Lady Hestia for forgiveness.


The sound of cutting flesh reached his ears, and a splash of blood splattered on his face. The sensation was sticky and vile, with a putrid smell of an animal. Opening his eyes, he saw a girl in white armor and blonde hair fighting the Minotaur. He was mesmerized by her graceful movements, unable to follow the slashes of the female adventurer.

The boy can only think of one thing right now, the fear he felt was replaced by something else entirely. His heart beated non-stop, his jaw slightly opened. "Beautiful..." he muttered as he stared absentmindedly at the females adventurer who is gracefully killing the Minotaur with ease and precision.

With one last immaculate slash, the girl killed the Minotaur, splashing blood all over the boy. He was awestruck, unable to take his eyes off the girl, who was now cleaning her sword without flinching at the foul smell of the Minotaur's blood clinging to her skin.

The girl had a statuesque presence, with eyes as radiant as the sun and hair swaying gently as she tucked a strand behind her ear. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, at least that's how he perceived it.

"...uhmm..." The girl softly extended her left hand to help the boy up. "...are you... Okay?..." she asked with a blank expression.

"I-I-I-... I'M OKAY!!!!" The boy scrambled to his feet and ran, his destination being outside of the dungeon. His face was flushed, not just from the blood splattered on him, but also from the adrenaline rushing through his veins.

The girl watched as the boy sprinted away, his steps uneven, and let out a yelp as he went.

"...Weird..." The girl tilted her head in confusion. 'Perhaps I might have scared him?' she thought, sheathing her rapier to her side.

"AIS?!" A panting voice reached the girl's ears. She turned to see an elf, sweat-soaked and disheveled from running and chasing Ais. Her hair, a light shade of orange, was supposed to be tied in a neat ponytail.

"Lefiya," Ais called back as the young elf caught her breath.

"Why are you running so fast?!" Lefiya pouted, placing her hands on her knees. "Can you slow down a bit?... Oh, you already killed it."

"Yes..." Ais nodded and walked past the young elf, glancing back slightly to wait for her. "Let's go..."

The two female adventurers moved briskly, dispatching any monsters unfortunate enough to spawn in their vicinity as they searched for the rest of their party members.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now