Heracles Familia (New Members)

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Here are the 10 new members of the Heracles familia who joined after the amphitheater incident.

Some of them wouldn't be important to the story, but I wouldn't be comfortable if I don't give them any names or background, and who knows, maybe the plot would push them to have a greater roles moving forward.


Helga Bladswurth: Helga, is a level 3 adventurer, her former god was one of the victims in the attack on Orario which lead to her loosing her Falna. She joined the familia due to feeling indebted towards August for protecting Orario.

At first she and Denki are always butting heads, as she felt that she's more qualify to lead being a 20-year veteran and a executive in her previous familia. But after her talk with Heracles, she started to mellow down towards Denki, sure they still butted heads, but as times move on, her downright questioning towards Denki's decision, transitioned into suggestion, and now Denki fully relied on her to give him advice on how to proceed, becoming a vice-captain like position when Denki was acting captain.

She has a large, muscular build for a female, some scarring here and there, she's about 5'10" in height and weight approximately about 194 pounds, she has a plain brown tapered hair, sharp looking eyes, and rough-looking face, almost masculine in look. Her weapon of choice is a two handed Claymore, and a large kite-shield -almost as large as her body - which she freely change depending on the situation. 

Her attitude is a little rough, her tone is challenging and a bit manly when she speaks, but she never usually know it, she was just used to speaking like that. She never beats around the bushes, and is brutally blunt with her words, case in point, when she was talking with Heracles, she told him what she really think about Denki without hiding anything.


STR: 388-F

DEX: 125-H

AGI: 098 -I

MAG: 212-G

END: 426-E


Oswald Len: Ozwald, a level 2 adventurer and the familia's only mage, he was on the same Familia as Helga before joining Heracles familia, he idolized August, and joined the familia because of him, he is rather weak for a level two - Aside from his magic of course - his stats are rather low.

He has a pudgy build, 5'7" and weight about 179 pounds, due to focusing solely on magic, he never comes to the front line, he is still muscular but not as much as the other adventurer, he has a boyish look, and soft looking eyes, and his main weapon is a basic staff that amplify his magic, -the standard one you can buy at any store- and a short sword which he always carry just in-case. - only know the basic in swinging a sword -

He is good-natured, he's rather passive though, never wanting to get in an argument with the other. But he always want to do the best he can when inside the dungeon, this was shown when he was injured, and wanted to continue diving.


STR: 076-I

DEX: 013-I

AGI: 008-I

MAG: 276-G

END: 103-H

*More details will be added in later chapters.*


Katty Prusha: A Hume Bunny demi-human, and a level 2 adventurer, she also lost her god during the attack on Orario. One of the very first person who joined Heracles familia, and joined solely because she wanted to met the hero of Orario.

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