Chapter 86

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"FEEL ITS WRATH!!! EXCALIBUR!!!" A searing heat radiated from the sword in Arthur's hand, glowing in a golden radiance. With a powerful roar, he stabbed his sword forward, a beam of extreme heat blazing straight towards the abomination.

August, seeing this, grinned wildly. His body became charged with excitement. Sparks of crimson lightning boomed as he unleashed his magic as well.

His spear traveled forward as he threw it with all his force. The fire of wrathful judgment and the crimson lightning of death intertwined, threatening to devour the creature.

Ottar and Ais weren't far behind. With all his mana, Ottar unleashed his magic; his sword glowed with a golden aura. "Silver moon's mercy, the golden wilderness. This body is destined for the wild boar of war. Run through, carry the goddess' will! HILDIS VINI!!"

The black winds shifted towards Ais' sword, pouring everything she had into her final strike to destroy the abomination. With a scream at the top of her lungs, she unleashed her most powerful move. "LIL RAFAGA!!" The black winds roared as they followed her command.

All of their attacks merged into one powerful blow, converging into the spear as it traveled even faster. Everything in its path was turned to dust, the arena sucked into the powerful combination of magic.

The adventurers watched in bated breath and awe. This was their last resort. They knew it. If this failed, then all would be lost.


A powerful explosion erupted as their attack made contact, a bright white light engulfed the whole of Orario as shockwaves assaulted the city as a whole.

The amphitheater, a structure once revered for its beauty and majesty, was now in ruins as the shockwaves destroyed everything in its vicinity.

Its sheer force sent the adventurers flying back; even the gods didn't come out unscathed.

Everything within a 3-kilometer radius of the amphitheater was now laid in ruins due to the immense power the four adventurers put into their attack. All to destroy the creature that had threatened Orario.

Ottar, being the strongest of the four, covered the three adventurers with his sword and body. Pushing himself to the limit, he screamed in agony as his body was hit by the backlash. His Durandal-grade greatsword melted from the combination of mana and heat, his body charred black, yet he gritted his teeth and stood his ground.

Ais entered Mind Zero; she had used everything she had in that attack. Her body, still not at a hundred percent after her fight with August, sustained even more damage because of the backlash. If Ottar wasn't there, she would have been dead.

Arthur's hands were charred beyond recognition; much like August, his magic was incomplete, and his body had suffered greatly because of it. He could only see a blur of white and silhouettes right now, as the heat evaporated the liquid in his eyes; his skin was cracking due to how dry it was. He was on the verge of death, much like how August was when he first unleashed his magic against Goliath Rex.

And then there's August; he has more experience using his magic now, but the fact that it was still incomplete was still apparent on his body. His right hand was a mess; you could even see his bones as chunks of his flesh were missing. It was black as well, charred due to the overwhelming amount of mana he had used.

The three of them lay on the ground, while Ottar stood in front, catching the brunt of the explosion with his own body. The skin on his face peeled off, his clothes now turned to dust, and with a scream, he pushed forward. Not wanting any harm to fall upon the three adventurers who had risked their lives along with him.

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