Chapter 121

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The adventurers of Heracles Familia gathered in the conference room inside Heracles Manor. To be honest, it was probably the first time they ever entered that room as Heracles was more of a "Do what you like, but make sure it isn't stupid" kind of god in the way he ran his familia. For them, it was kind of nerve-wracking. Never had Heracles called every one of them for a talk.

They sat at a long oval-shaped table, waiting for their god, as well as their captain, August. It was Denki who had gathered them here, saying that their god had something important for them to discuss.

Jogu tapped his finger on the table, probably the most nervous of the bunch. He was a bit scared of what's to come, afraid of August because of his unpredictability. 'What if he wants us to fight a rex by ourselves? He wouldn't do that, would he?' he thought to himself.

"Oi Jogu, will you stop that annoying tapping!" Thorne annoyingly scrunched up his face. "Why the hell are you so nervous, dude?"

"Well... You see... The captain can be a bit extreme... What if the welcoming wasn't the only tradition in this familia?" Jogu leaned on the table, whispering suspensefully, getting everyone's attention. "What if... The captain wants us to solo fight a rex."


Helga slapped Jogu on the back of his head, making the lanky adventurer wince in pain.

"Don't be an idiot... There's no way August would do that," Helga scolded him. She then turned to Denki, her eyes questioning. "He wouldn't do that... Right?"

Before Denki could answer, the door opened with Heracles and August coming inside, along with Froke, which the rest found odd. She was not a member of this familia, and from what Denki had told them, this meeting is of utmost importance. They couldn't see why an outsider is with them right now.

Heracles looked around with a serious expression on his face, nodding as he walked towards the head of the table. "I see everyone is here now... Good, I have no patience for tardiness... It shows disrespect."

Everyone stood up from their seats to greet the god, straightening their backs as they waited for Heracles to reach his spot. August followed behind him, while Froke walked nervously along the two.

Heracles arrived at the head, his eyes roamed the room, and with a satisfied nod, he sat at the head of the table.

August took his seat next to Heracles, in front of Denki, while Froke stayed standing behind August.

"Sit," Heracles' voice was filled with authority. There was a tense silence inside the room, making them aware that the topic of today might be more serious than they thought.

The others took their seats and waited patiently for their god to start.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why I called every one of you here today," Heracles began, his voice booming, breaking the silence. "I'll go straight to the point then... I'll be challenging the Apollo familia in a war game."

Everyone, except August, Denki, and Froke, widened their eyes, shock apparent on their faces. The Apollo familia is one of the largest familias in the city, and their god is one of the most influential gods here as well.

"Isn't that a little too sudden?!" Helga leaned on the table, looking at Heracles and asking. She couldn't help but raise her voice at the sudden news. She was a veteran and knew how challenging a war game is.

"She's right," Bors chimed in. "Apollo familia is way too large for us to challenge. They have over a hundred members while we only number at 12."

"And I don't see why we should challenge them," Nadia also joined in. "We have no interaction with those lots, and I can't see any reason for us engaging with them... Especially in something so extreme that it would lead to you, Lord, challenging them to a war game."

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