Chapter 68

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The Far east, an Island country and a nation type familia led by Amaterasu. A country known for its secretive nature, unique culture, and deadly martial arts.

The number one philosophy in said martial arts is "One strike, one kill." A philosophy that values efficiency, and lethality above all else.

It means speed, accuracy and precision, and above all else, technique... Things where Mashima Toga excels at.

"Sure old man." August's answer made Toga smile.

He knows that August will beat him, it was inevitable, even if he goes all out and outclassed August, he knows that the boy would adapt and catch up to him mid fight, and with enough time... Overtake him.

He was sure of it, he saw it happen first hand. The boy has a remarkable talent in fighting, he was able to decipher his moves and apply it into his own. He knows that it would be a pointless struggle, the longer the fight goes, the better August will become.

He was mature enough to accept that he was outclassed, but he still had his pride, and with it, his will to win.

'There is no doubt in my mind young August that you would be one of the people who will push the world to a new age of heroes... But that time is not now.' Toga thought as he took his stance, he drew his second sword out of his scabbard.

'Your time will come young August... But that day is not today!' He unleashed the mana within as the once tranquil flow became a raging torrent.

A violent light of fall colors erupted out of the old samurai, his eyes sharp with pride and experience, his lips curved into a smile.

August was mesmerized, Toga's mana was not only powerful it was also beautiful. The mana surrounding Toga molded into a set of wings that enveloped him inside. "Suzume..." August muttered.


Denki's eyes couldn't leave the sight of his master, his heart was beating faster than ever. "Master..."

"I-it's Beautiful." Froke muttered absentmindedly. "I didn't know mana could have such..."

"Emotions." Denki continued. He took a deep breath, remembering what August told him. An attack should have intent. 'This goes beyond that... Intent is vague. But this... This is all so clear.'

Froke nods agreeing with August. If she didn't see it happening right now with her own two eyes, she wouldn't believe it. "H-how could mana have emotion?"

"I don't know." Denki was at lost for words, he had just learned how to use intent in his attacks. But this... This is a step above intent.


The gods watched with bated breath. This was a first for them as well. They all know how intent can be used as a weapon to strengthen one's attack. How it can be used to exert one's will.

It is a well known technique, something even the gods use in their battles.

And to their shock, this mortal had pushed the very limit of what intent could be truly capable of.

Bishamon watches his child with a proud smile. "Show them Toga... Show them the product of your hard work!"


Athena stood up from her seat. Never in all of her eternal life had she seen anything like this. This was not magic, this was pure technique, intent driven to the max, mastered and polished to the extreme.

She was in awe at what the mortal had done. Mashima Toga had pushed his boundaries and had created something both beautiful and terrifying. "T-that's a mortal?"

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now